A novel approach to prevent bubble coalescence during measurement of bubble size in flotation

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dizenxu
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Effect of frothers in preventing bubble coalescence during flotation of minerals has long been investigated.To evaluate the performance of a frother,an apparatus to measure the bubble size is a basic necessity.McGill Bubble Size Analyzer(MBSA) or bubble viewer that has been developed and completed by McGill University’s Mineral Processing Group during the last decade is a unique instrument to serve this purpose.Two parameters which are thought to influence the bubble size measurements by McGill bubble viewer include water quality and frother concentration in the chamber.Results show that there is no difference in Sauter mean(D32) when tap or de-ionized water was used instead of process water.However,the frother concentration,in this research DowFroth 250(DF250),inside the chamber exhibited a pronounced effect on bubble size.Frother concentration below a certain point can not prevent coalescence inside the chamber and therefore caution must be taken in plant applications.It was also noted that the frother concentration which has been so far practiced in plant measurements(CCC75-CCC95) is high enough to prevent coalescence with the bubble viewer. Effect of frothers in preventing bubble coalescence during flotation of minerals has long been investigated. To evaluate the performance of a frother, an apparatus to measure the bubble size is a basic necessity. McGill Bubble Size Analyzer (MBSA) or bubble viewer that has been developed and completed by McGill University’s Mineral Processing Group during the last decade is a unique instrument to serve this purpose. Two parameters which are thought to influence the bubble size measurements by McGill bubble viewer include water quality and frother concentration in the chamber. Results show that there is no difference in Sauter mean (D32) when tap or de-ionized water was used instead of process water. Still, the frother concentration, in this research DowFroth 250 (DF250), in the chamber exhibited a pronounced effect on bubble size. Frother concentration below a certain point can not prevent coalescence inside the chamber and therefore caution must be taken in plant applications. It was also not ed that the frother concentration which has been so far practiced in plant measurements (CCC75-CCC95) is high enough to prevent coalescence with the bubble viewer.
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SLeSageestm啨nagerdutempsetdesparoles.智者惜时慎言。  (LaFontaine)Sansunpeudetravailonn apasdeplaisir.不工作无以为乐。  (Florian)laSant啨peutpara tre , lalongue,unpeufade ;Ilfaut,pourlasenti
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2008年的金融危机并没有太多地影响易腾迈岁末的好成绩,8.91亿美元的销售收入,42%的利润增长更加坚定了易腾迈在中国的步伐和信心。 The financial crisis in 2008 did not
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【摘要】 随着计算机网络技术的不断发展与进步,计算机网络信息技术已经逐渐普及,在现代的计算机教学过程中,越来越多的院校开始运用多媒体技术。多媒体技术在计算机教学中发挥着不可替代的作用,能够有效地提高计算机教学的效率。但是经过大量的教学实践表明,在计算机教学中应用多媒体技术还存在这一系列的问题,需要人们进一步去改进和完善。  【关键词】 多媒体技术 计算机教学 实践应用  随着信息技术的发展和普及,
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