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儿时的印象 儿时,银川很小,只有七、八万人,一片土房子,远处承天寺的白塔却显得很高大。每年冬天城里的人用贺兰山运来的煤取暖,家家房顶上的烟囱冒着青烟。成群的驮着亮晶晶“黑色金子”的骆驼队挤满街巷,我们家旁边的王家大院就是专卖煤炭的,早晨天麻麻亮,远处哐、哐的驼铃声钻进了耳膜,隔壁王家院子的骆驼 Childhood impressions of childhood, Yinchuan is very small, only seven or eight million people, a piece of land in the house, in the distance Chengtian Temple Baita is very tall. Every winter, the people in the city use coal from Helan Mountain to heat up the smoke, and the chimneys on the roof of every house run into smoke. Crowds of lakes filled with shiny “black gold” camel crowded streets, the Royal Courtyard next to our house is the monopoly of coal, morning Tianma Ma Liang, distant 哐, 哐 camel rumbled into the eardrum, next door to the royal family Yard of camels
China Ocean Shipping(Group)Co.(COSCO) employs an experimental strategy of making acquisitions through the purchase of B shares COSCO Pacific Ltd.and its affili-
薯片:营养价值很低,还含有大量脂肪和热量,多吃容易使人肥胖,还是皮肤健康的大敌。爆米花:营养价值尚可,但是其 Potato chips: low nutritional value, but also contains