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建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,保证我国改革开放在更广阔的领域向纵深方向发展,这对我国社会主义卫生事业的更好发展是一个契机。就我们大丰市的卫生事业整体现状来看,医疗单位的亏损仍是一个很严重的问题,尽管造成这种亏损有多方面的因素,但归纳起来主要有两。个方面。一是经营性亏损。有的医疗单位由于经营管理不善,分配不公,医疗质量下降,人心涣散、人才留不住,不重视经济核算,不讲究经济收益和社会效益。二是政策性亏损。主要是国家补偿消耗未能及时足额到位及医疗收费价格背离价值。因此,建立既符合社会主 The establishment and improvement of the socialist market economic system will ensure that China’s reform and opening up will develop in depth in a broader area. This is an opportunity for the better development of China’s socialist health undertakings. According to the overall status quo of our health undertakings in Dafeng City, the loss of medical institutions is still a very serious problem. Although there are many factors that cause this kind of loss, there are two main reasons for the loss. Aspects. The first is operating loss. Some medical units have poor management, unfair distribution, declining medical quality, lack of support from the people, and unreliable talents. They do not attach importance to economic accounting and do not pay attention to economic returns and social benefits. The second is policy losses. The main reason is that the country’s compensation consumption has failed to reach the full amount in time and the price of medical charges has deviated from the value. Therefore, the establishment is in conformity with the social
目的 从烟台地区自然界捕捉的蚊虫中分离虫媒病毒。方法 对分离的 15株虫媒病毒中的 3株进行理化特性分析 ,电镜检查以及特异性免疫反应观察。结果 多次实验均显示该病毒
1=F粤 任山林颂 稍快热情奔放地‘3·,15业1竺兰12丫里卜鱼川兰,6 6 661 235}{,!丝二卜-卜走奏一仃演 林 山 }沪~,l3卜;二竺卫}它日夜奔它吹打·不峰不会木不会丝}5·3285山
在创办卓越网的五年里,我用做媒体的方式、用文化的概念来做电子商务,在中国电子商务发展史上做了自己的探索。 In the five years since Joyo was founded, I used the med
介绍一种插胃管方法IntroductionofaMethodforFeedingTubePlacement周翠萍雍召生朱丽军徐瑞峰①ZhouCuiping,YongZhaosheng,ZhuLijun,XuRuifeng(No.10Hospitalo... Introduce a method for inserting stomach tube IntroductionofaMethodforFeedingTubePlacement Zhou Cuiping Ruan Zh