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思想品德课程在发挥其应有的德育功能时,如何培养学生的创新能力呢?本人在教育实践中作了一些尝试和思考。下面结合教学实际谈一些认识和想法。一、激趣——培养学生的创新意识学习兴趣是激发学生学习思想品德内容自觉性和积极性的核心因素,更是推进学生创造性活动的动力因素。那么,如何激发学生的兴趣呢?在思想品德课教学中,教师应该尽可能多采取灵活多样的形式调动起学生的兴趣,比如用一些寓言故事、诗歌、歇后语、民谣穿插教学课程之中,或者用美妙动听的音乐营造一种氛围,启迪智慧的谜语,又或把国内外重大问题和学生关注的热点等融入教学过程之中。 How to cultivate the students’ creative ability when the ideological and morality course exerts its due moral education function? I have made some attempts and reflections in the practice of education. The following combination of teaching practice to talk about some ideas and ideas. First, the excitement - to cultivate students’ innovative awareness Learning interest is to stimulate students to learn the ideological and moral content of the core elements of self-awareness and enthusiasm, but also to promote students creative motivation. So, how to arouse the interest of students? In the teaching of ideological and morality, teachers should arouse the interest of students in as many flexible forms as possible, such as using some fables, poems, aftertime, ballad interspersed with teaching courses, or Use beautiful and melodious music to create an atmosphere, enlighten the riddle of wisdom, or integrate the major issues at home and abroad and the hot spots that students are concerned with into the teaching process.
岐山县有家“农家臊子面”面馆颇有名气,“农家臊子面”掌柜叫杨八,人们叫顺口了,也称“杨八臊子面”。杨八臊子面的特色就是“一口香”。面粉加工成型之后多层叠在 Qishan
有一次去参加培训,一个教授告诉我们:他的孩子考上清华大学,后到美国留学。有人问教授:“请问你孩子的成功有哪些因素?”教授简单回答说:“是习惯造就了他。” Once went to
我是奥运火炬,我在为2008北京奥运会燃烧,那蹿动的火苗就是我在为奥运健儿们呐喊加油。今天,我来到小朋友们中间,让你们也来传递这份激情与梦想! I am the Olympic torch, I
张良在刘邦军中人称智谋大师,涵养极高,刘邦十分器重他。张良年少的时候,有一天,他吃了饭来到桥上散步,抬头看见一个老人从对面走来,来到张良面前,老人慢慢 Zhang Liang in
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从前有个国家来了一头野猪。它践踏耕地、咬杀牲畜,还用尖利的獠牙咬人,人们为此痛苦不堪。国王宣布,只要有人能将王国从这一灾难中拯救出来,他 Once upon a time a wild bo