Electrochemical Behavior of CoSb_3-based Electrodes Using Binary PAni/PVDF Binder

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maferhipo
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The polyaniline (PAni)/polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hybrid was served as a novel binder for CoSb3-based alloy electrode. The effect of PAni content on the electrochemical performances of the alloy electrode was investigated. It was found that the CoSb3 electrode using the binary PAni/PVDF binder exhibits higher reversible capacity than that using the single PVDF binder, especially in the initial cycles. As a result, the PAni/PVDF hybrid could be a promising binder for the alloy electrode. The effect of PAni content on the electrochemical performances of the alloy electrode was investigated. It was found that the the CoSb3 electrode using the binary PAni / PVDF binder exhibits higher reversible capacity than that using the single PVDF binder, especially in the initial cycles. As a result, the PAni / PVDF binder could be a promising binder for the alloy electrode.
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