
来源 :职业与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZY5158598
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目的探讨某企业接触有害因素的人群健康现状,为该人群的职业病防治提供依据和建议。方法对平均工龄1 a以上的职工146人,按照接触有害因素的不同有针对性地检查;同时测定车间空气中的有机毒物浓度。结果工作场所空气中正己烷时间加权平均(TWA)浓度为2.0 mg/m3,除甲苯为6.3 mg/m3外,苯和二甲苯均低于检出限;有13人存在与接触职业病危害相关项目异常,7人检出其他疾病或异常。结论该企业存有职业病危害,应加强职业卫生管理,对于有毒有害岗位,应加强防毒、防护措施的建设,改善作业条件,保护工人身体健康。 Objective To explore the health status of people exposed to harmful factors in an enterprise and to provide the basis and recommendations for the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases in this population. Methods A total of 146 workers with an average working age of 1 year or more were examined in accordance with the different factors of exposure to harmful substances. The concentrations of organic poisons in the air of the workshop were also determined. Results The concentration of n-hexane time-weighted average (TWA) in the air of the workplace was 2.0 mg / m 3 and both benzene and xylene were below the detection limit except for toluene of 6.3 mg / m 3; 13 were associated with exposure to occupational hazards Abnormal, 7 people detected other diseases or abnormalities. Conclusion The enterprise has occupational hazards and occupational health management should be strengthened. For toxic and harmful posts, efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of anti-virus and protective measures to improve working conditions and protect the health of workers.
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通过对高职工科学生文化素质状况的调查与分析,提出在新的世纪里我们教育工作者有责任从诸方面关注与加强对高职工科学生的文化素质教育。 Through the investigation and a