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石河子经济技术开发区1992年经自治区人民政府批准成立,1996年,自治区科委批准在区内设立高新工业技术园区,实行二块牌子一套机构的管理体制,2000年4月,升格为国家级经济技术开发区,规划面积16.1平方公里。建区9年来,开发区呈现出超常规、跳跃式的发展态势,一期开发5.3平方公里内的道路、供水、排水、供电、供热、通讯等“六通一平”基础设施建设基本完成,已具备大型项目建设的承载能力和条件。截止2001年底。开发区注册企业已有299家,项目总投资20亿元,实际利用外国和外地资金15亿元人民币,建区10年来,GDP、工业总产值、工业增加值、固定资产、税收等主要经济指标每年均以45%以上的速度递增。已建成绿色食品、纺织,精细化工、生物化工、节水灌溉器材、现代农业机构等一批依托于大农业资源优势、科技含量较高的企业,产业体系基本形成。石河子开发区的产业定位是:围绕建设“绿色生态产业园”,构筑上中下游衔接配套一体化的产业链;即优先发展和农牧业 Shihezi Economic and Technological Development Zone was approved by People’s Government of Autonomous Region in 1992. In 1996, Autonomous Region Science and Technology Commission approved the establishment of hi-tech industrial park in the district and implemented the management system of two sets of brands. In April 2000, it was upgraded to national level Economic and Technological Development Zone, planning area of ​​16.1 square kilometers. In the 9 years since the establishment of the zone, the development zone has shown an extraordinary and leaping development trend. In the first phase, roads within 5.3 square kilometers were developed. Infrastructure construction of “six links and one leveling” for water supply, drainage, power supply, heat supply and communications was basically completed, Has a large-scale construction projects bearing capacity and conditions. By the end of 2001. There are already 299 registered enterprises in the zone, with a total investment of 2 billion yuan. The actual use of foreign and foreign funds of 1.5 billion yuan to build the zone over the past 10 years, GDP, gross industrial output value, industrial added value, fixed assets, taxes and other major economic indicators Every year more than 45% of the rate of increase. A number of enterprises, such as green food, textile, fine chemical industry, bio-chemical industry, water-saving irrigation equipment and modern agricultural institutions, which have relied on the advantage of large agricultural resources and have high scientific and technological content, have been basically established. The industrial orientation of Shihezi Development Zone is: Focusing on the construction of “green eco-industrial park”, build an integrated and integrated industrial chain in the middle and lower reaches of the river; that is, prioritize development and agriculture and animal husbandry
家族性噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症林道隆,魏健,汤宏峰家族性噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症(FamilialHemophagocyticlymphohistiocytosis,FHL)是一种少见病。国内仅1982年报告3例 ̄[1].国外近4年已报告11... Familial hemophagocytic lymph
在发育和成年中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)的灰质和白质束中,发现存在大量表达硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖的一类细胞,被称为NG2细胞,因其无论是在体条件下还是体外细胞
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为研究调节性T细胞在喉鳞状细胞癌(laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma,LSCC)、发展中的变化及其参与疾病进展的作用机制,收集2010~2011年上海市五官科医院收治的50例LSCC患者