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第六届中国国际全印展的小森展台人头攒动,热闹非凡。日本小森公司以“掀开崭新一页”这一参展主题,通过展示胶印与数字印刷相结合、硬件与软件相连接等业务与营销模式的改革成果,打造全新智能印工厂,与客户开启赢利新篇章。小森公司此次参展带来最新的胶印技术,除此,还展示了为实现印刷工序的可视化、自动化、高效率等提供强有力支持的小森ICT解决方案,即能在安全的云端环境下随时随地简便地查看印刷机运 Komori booths of the 6th China International All In Print Exhibition are crowded and crowded. Japan Komori to “open a new page, ” the theme of this exhibition, through the display of offset printing and digital printing, hardware and software connected to the business and marketing reform results to create a new smart printing plant, open with the customer Profit new chapter. This Komori exhibition brings the latest offset printing technology to the show. It also shows Komori ICT solutions that provide strong support for visualizing, automating, and high-efficiency printing processes, all in a secure cloud environment Easy to see the printing machine shipped
成长就是有些东西得到了,有些东西却没有了;想要得到的东西还没得到,不想失去的东西却失去了。更重要的是,发现原来好多好多我们想要得到的东西突然离我们好遥远,许多不想要的事情却接踵而来。  待若干年后,一直在追寻幸福的我们回头遥望这段路时,却发现原先的荆棘已经洒满了阳光,而幸福正从那些五彩斑斓的经历中折射出来……  有些事并不因时光的流逝而褪去,有些人并不因不常见面而忘却。“时间会冲淡一切”这句话并不
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本文从阻力方面分析考虑,给出了对地铁车辆风量控制的方法和措施。 This paper analyzes the resistance from the point of view, gives the subway vehicle air volume co
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