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[开栏的话]历史学家房龙曾说过:“艺术是人类共同的追求。”这意味着,即便你是艺术的门外汉,只要你有一颗热爱美的心和审视美的兴趣,艺术就没有了那副“生人勿近”的冷漠面孔。从本期开始,我们将在文化栏目中推出“艺术”板块,特邀上海市黄浦区教育学院党总支书记、国家一级美术师、美术特级教师赵其坤带领我们漫步艺术的花园,感受艺术的魅力。在中华民族数千年文明史的进程中,灿若群星的历代书法家创造了无数中国书法艺术瑰宝,中国书法也成为人类文化艺术宝库中独具特色的明珠。由于中国每个朝代文化价值取向都有些不同,因而书法的特征也有变化,如秦篆的圆转流畅、汉代隶书的拙朴雄浑,晋书尚韵、唐书尚法、宋书尚意、元书尚态、清书尚质等。但是众所周知,号称天下第一行书的当推《兰亭序》。 [Open words] Historian Fang Long once said: “Art is the common pursuit of mankind.” This means that even if you are an outsider of art, as long as you have a love of beauty and interest in looking at the arts, There is no that side “strangers not near ” indifference. From the beginning of this issue, we will launch “Art ” section in the cultural section. We invited guest speaker Zhaoke Kun, director of the Party branch of Shanghai Huangpu District Institute of Education, national first class artist and art teacher Zhai Qikun to lead us to walk in the art garden. Artistic charm. In the course of thousands of years of Chinese civilization, Cancun’s ancient calligraphers created countless Chinese calligraphy art treasures, and Chinese calligraphy has also become a unique pearl in the treasure house of human culture and the arts. Since each dynasty in China has some different cultural values, the characteristics of calligraphy also vary. For example, the smooth flow of Qin Zhuan, the clumsiness of the official scriptures in the Han Dynasty, the Shang Shu Shang Shu, the Shang Shu Shang Shang, The quality of the book and so on. However, as we all know, the first book in the world is called “Lanting Preface.”
跌倒是我国6 5岁以上老年人伤害死亡的首位原因。发现老年人跌倒时应该怎么办?卫生部公布的《老年人跌倒干预技术指南》提出:不要急于扶起,要分情况进行处理。指南提出,如老
新世纪开元之年,中国顺风顺水、喜讯频传,国人期盼多年的几大愿望在这一年中全都实现。当然,催生这一切的不是冥冥上苍的安排,而是中国人自己的实力与努力。在国家鸿运 New