中共北京市委办公厅 北京市人民政府办公厅 关于转发《市发展计划委员会关于做好当前经济工作的措施建议》的通知

来源 :北京市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenhua99
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各区、县委,各区、县政府,市委、市政府各部委办局,各总公司,各人民团体,各高等院校:经市委、市政府同意,现将《市发展计划委员会关于做好当前经济工作的措施建议》转发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。今年以来,本市经济发展开局良好,增长速度明显加快,效益显著提高,结构趋向合理,就业形势稳定,国民经济总体运行健康。这表明,市委、市政府围绕加快发展、大力优化发展环境采取的一系列重大部署和政策措施取得了成效。同时,也要清醒地看到,在经济增长的过程中,还面临一些亟待解决的困难和问题,特别是突发的非典型肺炎疫情,使本市经济发展的不确定因素增加,一些领域受到严重影响。要高度重视这些问题,有针对性地采取措施认真加以解决。 All districts and counties, districts and counties, county governments, municipal government ministries and commissions Office, the head office, the people’s organizations, colleges and universities: With the consent of the municipal party committee and government, now the “Municipal Development Planning Commission on the current economy Work measures recommended ”forwarded to you, please conscientiously implement. Since the beginning of this year, the economic development of the Municipality has enjoyed a good start, the growth rate has accelerated noticeably, the benefits have been significantly raised, the structure has become more reasonable, the employment situation has been stable and the national economy as a whole has been running healthy. This shows that the CPC Central Committee and the municipal government have made remarkable achievements in a series of major deployments and policy measures aimed at speeding up the development and vigorously optimizing the development environment. At the same time, we must also be soberly aware that during the process of economic growth, we still face some difficulties and problems to be solved urgently. In particular, the outbreak of the SARS outbreak has caused the uncertainties in the economic development of the municipality to increase. Some areas have been affected Serious impact. We must attach great importance to these problems and take targeted measures to solve them seriously.
四川省财政厅 川财会〔 2001〕 18号 省级各部门,各市、州财政局: 据反映有的申报单位和会计人员对我省高级会计师资格评审的有关政策规定不十分清楚。为了进一步做好高级会计
彭萍,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会中国女篮获得银牌的功臣之一,退役后的小日子过得非常滋润。早在退役前,彭萍就和相恋多年的男友宋涛(前中国男篮著名中锋、1987年曾被 NBA 亚特拉