
来源 :中国拍卖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsfantasy
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20世纪gO年代初,无形资产拍卖开始在我国拍卖业中出现。经过十几年的发展、创新,我国用拍卖方式运作的无形资产项目越来越丰富,拍卖数量、频次也越来越多。由于无形资产拍卖技术较高,运作难度较大,因此,许多拍卖公司不愿涉足这个领域,市场发展仍在摸索中前行,但这丝毫无法掩饰无形资产拍卖市场蕴涵的巨大潜力。以美国等一些国家的高科技企业为例,无形资产的比重在资产总额中几乎位居首位。美国资产评估公司所涉及的无形资产达23项,经济学中涉及的无形资产多达29项,这使得美国无形资产拍卖市场活力四射,与之相比,我国尚存在较大的差距。从记者的视角来看,目前多数的拍卖公司都在集中争取数量有限的拍品,一口饭多方吃的局面致使一些拍卖公司在拍卖资源开发上产生恶性竞争,闹得两败俱伤。而在策划和开拓新的拍品市场方面,则又显得无计可施或是处处碰壁。从我国拍卖业发展的进程分析,科学地选择适合企业自身的拍品资源并进行有特色、可行的策划,是解决拍卖公司经营窘境的良策,而尚未受到足够关注的农产品、无形资产等拍卖项目则为拍卖公司开辟市场提供了新的契机。拍卖企业数量较多与拍卖标的资源稀缺之间的矛盾在我国较为突出,无形资产拍卖为解决这一矛盾提供了很好的思考方向。回顾近一阶段时间国内无形资产拍卖的成功案例,能够看到无形资产拍卖所内蕴的巨大潜力。 Early 20th century gO, auction of intangible assets began to appear in the auction industry in our country. After more than ten years of development and innovation, China has become more and more rich in intangible assets operated by auction, with more and more auctions and frequency. Due to the higher technology of intangible assets auction and the difficulty of operation, many auction companies are reluctant to get involved in this field and the development of the market is still in the process of exploring. However, this can not hide the great potential contained in the intangible assets auction market. Take the high-tech enterprises in some countries such as the United States for example, the proportion of intangible assets ranks first in the total assets. There are 23 intangible assets involved in US asset appraisal companies and 29 intangible assets involved in economics, which makes the auction market of U.S. intangible assets vibrant. Compared with that, there is still a big gap in our country. From a journalist’s point of view, most auction companies are now focusing on obtaining a limited number of lots. The multi-party eating situation has caused some auction companies to have vicious competition in the development of auction resources, causing both losses. In the planning and development of new auction market, then it seems useless or run into trouble. From the analysis of the process of the development of the auction industry in our country, it is a good strategy to solve the auction company’s dilemma while scientifically selecting the auction resources suitable for the enterprise and carrying out the distinctive and feasible planning. However, auction items such as agricultural products and intangible assets that have not received enough attention For the auction company to open up the market provides a new opportunity. The contradiction between the large number of auction enterprises and the scarcity of auction targets is more prominent in our country. The auction of intangible assets provides a good way of thinking for solving this contradiction. Looking back the success stories of domestic intangible assets auction in the recent period, we can see the great potential inherent in intangible assets auction.
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良好的课堂氛围有益于促进学生创新思维,有助于提升课堂教学质量与效果。在小学语文课堂教学活动中,和谐、温馨、积极与愉悦的课堂氛围可以大大增强学生对课堂教学的吸引力,有助于激发学生更富创新性的思维。下面我结合自身多年来小学语文课堂教学实践,谈谈如何营造良好的课堂教学氛围,为不断提升课堂教学质量与效果奠定基础,以提高学生的语文素养。  一、注重以轻松愉悦的情境进行课堂导入  课堂导入是课堂教学的铺垫与前
[摘 要] 成人教育是我国教育体系中的重要组成部分,对于提高我国国民的综合素质有十分重要的意义,成人教育是我国其他阶段教育的重要补充,在我国的国民经济发展中扮演着十分重要的角色,因此,我们需要在新的时代背景下做好成人教育的建设工作。随着我国社会主义现代化建设水平的不断提高,在构建和谐社会的大时代背景之下,我们需要根据时代要求创新我国成人教育的模式,从而更好地发挥成人教育在我国社会主义和谐社会建设中
教师平凡的梦想:关爱学生,落实以人为本的教育理念,培养全面发展的人才,做到既教书又育人。行善举,激发种子的力量,播种人期望的是善举将正能量传递,愿爱心代代相传。 Ordin