
来源 :油脂科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qczjhyt
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山桐子油是野生高产木本油料树——山桐子(拉丁名Idesia Polycarpa Madim俗名水冬瓜)的果实和种子经过压榨得到的油该油在医药、制皂工业和润滑工业中有重要的用途。广元县部份地区的社员食该油已有百余年的历史,无急性中毒。成分分析结果衷明:山桐子油的脂肪酸组成与其它食用植物油一致,特别是多价不饱和脂肪酸含量达70%以上,饱和脂肪酸含量也较高,此外,还含有2%不明鲒构的不皂化物。迄今国内外未见有关山桐子油毒性研究的报导。为了改善和提高人民的食油水平、增加工业用油来源,我省正在利用和发展这一资源。本难究的目的在于确保人们食用和工业应用的安全,为推广和发展山桐子的生产提供科学依据。 Jatropha oil is the result of the squeezing of the fruits and seeds of the wild, high-yield woody oil tree, the caracal (Latin name Idesia Polycarpa Madim), which has important uses in the pharmaceutical, soap making and lubricating industries. Some members of Guangyuan County have been eating the oil for over 100 years without acute poisoning. Composition analysis results are clear: Fatty acid composition of Jatropha curd oil and other edible vegetable oil, especially polyunsaturated fatty acid content of more than 70%, high saturated fatty acid content, in addition, also contains 2% unstructured unsaponifiable Things. Up to now, there is no report about the toxicity research of Chinese medicine Jatropha curcas. In order to improve and raise the people’s cooking oil level and increase the sources of industrial oil, the province is utilizing and developing this resource. The purpose of this study is to ensure the safety of food and industrial applications, and to provide a scientific basis for the promotion and development of the production of Jatropha curcas.
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