
来源 :中国实用内科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:corbet2003
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布鲁杆菌病(Brucellosis)是由布鲁杆菌引起人畜共患的变态反应性疾病。本病遍布全球,近年来布鲁杆菌病的人畜疫情在国内外都出现了上升势头[1-3],但随时间、地域分布而不同,当前,疫区从牧区向半农半牧、农村及城市蔓延,流行的形势由多发、分散的点状流行代替了大规模的暴发流行[4]。且临床表现不典型,可侵犯全身各系统,有时也可以突出表现为某一症状或体征,极易误诊。本文对2012年1月至2013年4月在我院以骨关节症状就诊的布鲁杆菌病患者进行回顾性分析,以期突出其特征,便于早期诊断、合理治疗,提高临床医师的认识水平。 Brucellosis is a zoonotic allergic disease caused by Brucella. The disease has spread all over the world. In recent years, the brucellosis epidemic has risen both at home and abroad [1-3]. However, it varies with time and geographical distribution. Currently, And the spread of cities, the prevailing situation has replaced the large-scale outbreak of epidemic by the frequent and scattered spotty epidemic [4]. And the clinical manifestations of atypical, can invade the body of the system, and sometimes can be highlighted as a symptom or signs, easily misdiagnosed. In this paper, from January 2012 to April 2013 in our hospital osteodystrus patients with brucellosis were retrospectively analyzed in order to highlight its characteristics, to facilitate early diagnosis and reasonable treatment, improve the level of understanding of clinicians.
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