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初夏的一天,我们在结束检查防汛防旱工作之暇,顺便走访了东林庵。当小车从公路往左拐,沿着曲曲小路,约莫行驶了15分钟时间,突然道中立有“并”字形的石建牌坊。据说,这是象征着女人守贞节的一个标志。再往前50米,便是《东泉胜境》四个大字在我们眼帘闪现。东林庵位于湖? One day in early summer, at the end of our inspection of the flood control and drought relief work, we visited Donglin Temple by the way. When the car from the road to the left, along the winding path, about 15 minutes of driving time, suddenly Road neutral “and” shaped stone arch. It is said that this is a symbol of women’s chastity. 50 meters further forward, it is “Dongquan Shengjing” four characters in our eyes flashed. Donglin Temple located in the lake?
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2.6为确定严重 HEL L P综合征 (溶血、肝酶升高和血小板计数减少 )的发生率和肝酶与血小板计数的关系 ,以及阐述严重母亲并发症的发生率 ,进行了此研究。据巴拿马某医院的研
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3.5宫颈上皮内瘤样病变 (CIN)是浸润性宫颈癌的癌前病变 ,其生物学行为难以预测。大约 2 3%~ 38%的病变会进展 ,2 7%~31%维持不变 ,而 35 %~ 40 %将逆转消退。目前尚不可能预测