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在煤矿,有许多平凡的矿嫂,无数个日夜,她们在井口无私守望,为煤矿安全筑牢第二道防线,各级工会女职工组织也都把协管安全工作作为服务企业安全发展大局的重要载体,围绕煤矿安全生产中心工作,结合企业安全生产特点,发挥组织优势,不断创新发展,确立“人人都是协管员”的理念,通过丰富多彩的协管安全活动,把广大矿工家属凝聚起来,形成推动矿区安全发展、和谐发展的强大力量。 In coal mines, there are many ordinary miners, countless day and night, they are unselfishly looking at the wellhead, and building a second line of defense for coal mine safety. Women union organizations at all levels also take concerted efforts on safety management as the overall development plan for the safety of service enterprises An important carrier around the coal mine safety work center, combined with the characteristics of enterprise safety production, play an organizational advantage, continuous innovation and development, establish “everyone is a co-manager ” concept, through a variety of co-management safety activities, the vast The families of miners gather together to form a powerful force for promoting the safe development and harmonious development of the mining area.
自Shwartzmah 1928年发现在伤寒液接种中二次接种后有皮下血管的炎症反应和白细胞的聚集坏死现象后,有人在脑缺血的研究中发现类似现象[1],尤其在急性脑卒中时表达及作用机理
This work reports research concerning the microstructure and sliding wear behaviour of cermet coatings deposited by high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying. Two
资料与方法 1 资料来源 选择1998年5~11月在我院妇科门诊就医的宫颈炎患者11例,年龄22~41岁,平均32.5岁。3个月内未接受其他任何方法治疗。118例中轻度糜烂39例,中度糜烂57例,
资料与方法rn1 临床资料rn本组7男,3女,年龄10~65岁,左6,右4.交通事故7例,重物砸伤2例,爆炸伤1例.骨折部位:胫腓骨中下1/3段8例,胫腓骨中段2例.骨折类型:新鲜骨折8例(包括粉碎
患女,72岁.因间歇性心悸,胸闷,双下肢浮肿1年余,加重2d入院.查体:T36.9℃,P 93次/min,R 23次/min,BPrn21/14kPa.神志清,半卧位,颈静脉怒张,双肺呼吸音清晰,未闻及干湿鸣音,心
The cross-sectional indentation method is extended to evaluate the interfacial adhesion between brittle coating and ductile substrate. The experimental results