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一徐州是一个古老的城市。人们在长期的社会活动中,既改善了城市环境,同时也造成了不少环境水利问题。就目前来讲,徐州最突出的环境水利问题,一是地表水域逐年缩小,地下水资源不断减少,水的供需矛盾日趋尖锐,二是厂矿蜂起,人口密集,“三废”不经科学处理,随意排放,使水文环境遭到严重污染。地表水域逐年缩小,地下水资源不断减少,水的供需矛盾日趋尖锐地表水域逐年缩小据有关资料记载:昔日的徐州,城区内外沟河纵横、池塘湖泊星罗棋布,是一个“水乡泽国”,直到民国初期,水域面积尚占城区总面积的1/6。随着历史的变革和城市的发展,往日80%的水域目前已被填没。众所周知,地表水体不仅对调节气 A Xuzhou is an ancient city. In long-term social activities, people have not only improved the urban environment but also caused a lot of environmental and water problems. For now, the most prominent environmental and water problems in Xuzhou are that the surface water area has been shrinking year by year, the groundwater resources have been declining, and the contradiction between supply and demand of water has become increasingly acute. The second is that factories and mines are populated and densely populated. The “three wastes” are discharged without any scientific measures , So that the hydrological environment was seriously polluted. According to relevant data, the former Xuzhou, the vertical and horizontal ditches of rivers in the urban area and the lakes and ponds dotted around the urban area are a “water country and the motherland”. Until the early Republican China, The water area still accounts for 1/6 of the total area of ​​the city. With the change of history and the development of the city, 80% of the past days have now been filled in. As we all know, surface water not only regulates air
本文涉及的农机产品包括手扶拖拉机、半挂车用的公路拖拉机,履带拖拉机和其他拖拉机,犁、耙、松土机、耕耘机、除 The agricultural products covered in this article inc
1955年以后,日本的经济高度发展,在发展的过程中,人口和资产急剧地向城市集中。原来暴雨时经常淹水的低洼也修建了住 Since 1955, Japan’s economy has been highly devel
自从振动碾问世后,土石坝、道路和机场等工程的压实施工出现了崭新的局面,并由此发展出碾压混凝土。目前,世界上普遍采用的常规振动碾(The conventional vibratory roller)