【摘 要】
After in-orbit test and trial operation,the FY-3A satellite was found to work normally with sound performance and meets the task requirements.On January 12 2009
After in-orbit test and trial operation,the FY-3A satellite was found to work normally with sound performance and meets the task requirements.On January 12 2009, FY-3A was delivered to the China Meteorological Administration by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)and China Satellite Launch Tracking and Control General at the satellite in-orbit delivery ceremony.This was an important milestone in China's meteorological satellite development process,marking the birth of China's new generation of polar orbiting meteorological satellites.
After in-orbit test and trial operation, the FY-3A satellite was found to work normally with sound performance and meets the task requirements. On January 12, 2009, FY-3A was delivered to the China Meteorological Administration by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and China Satellite Launch Tracking and Control General at the satellite in-orbit delivery ceremony. This was an important milestone in China's meteorological satellite development process, marking the birth of China's new generation of polar orbiting meteorological satellites.
由中国船舶工业行业协会、中国海洋工程学会和上海船舶工业行业协会联合主办的“中国船舶工业和海洋工程国际高峰论坛”定于2009年7月2 3-24日在上海虹桥宾馆举行。本届论坛
The Associated Press reported
China has set up its first national laboratory for aerodynamics to advance aerospace technology research, the Ministry of Science and Technology said on Tuesday
Standardization of Aerospace, Quar
这年,连续的干旱,使沿海一带的粮食少收了七八成,老百姓自己吃不饱,也就没有东西喂猪,因此除夕那天用来敬天的猪头,是用南瓜雕刻成的。 玉皇大帝在凌霄宝殿闻着气味不对,立刻召来土地爷询问。土地爷如实一报,玉皇大帝不由大怒:“这些凡人竟敢这样糊弄天庭,非严惩他们不可!” 玉皇大帝又召东海龙王至凌霄宝殿,命令他不许下雨,让老百姓来年一粒粮食也收不到!东海龙王听罢,不忍心老百姓遭罪,为他们辩护道:“
The year 2009 marks the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.During the 60 years when the new China continuously developed and got stronger,China'
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