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现代的质量管理,强调了生产过程中的质量控制,即所谓全面质量管理,要求防患于未然,从消极的事后检验改为积极的事先预防。在企业内部,通过全过程的质量管理,把生产中的各个环节科学地组织起来,从而使产品质量得到显著提高。质量控制的基本方法,就是在生产过程中取得表征质量指标的数据,运用数理统计方法进行整理和分析,提出排除故障、保证质量的对策和措施。在实际生产中,虽然按试验取得的工艺参数和材料的组成比例进行生产,也不能保证所生产的产品性能是绝对均匀的,只要它是在预定的范围内平稳地波动,即认为产品的生产处于控制状态。但事实上由于各种原因,如原材料、操作条件、工艺方法、设备维修、自然环境等因素,产品的性能是经常波动的。因此必须根据具体情况的变化,加强生产过程中的监控和调节,使生产的全过程都处于科学管理和严密控制之中,以较高的工作质量来保证较高的产品质量。要发现生产过程中质量问题的所在,便于从浩繁的数据记录中很快找出头绪来,除了运用数理统计方法外,还必须要有相应的科学测试手段和先进快速的测试方法,这是衡量管理技术水平的重要标志。随着质量管理的深入开展,要求我们在管理思想、管理制度、管理方法和管理组织上实行变革,最终必将进一步解放生产力,推动四化建设更快地前进。 Modern quality management emphasizes the quality control in the production process, that is, the so-called total quality management. It requires prevention before it happens, and changes from negative post-event testing to positive prevention in advance. Inside the company, through the quality management of the whole process, all the links in production are scientifically organized, so that the product quality is significantly improved. The basic method of quality control is to obtain data that characterize quality indicators in the production process, use mathematical statistics methods to organize and analyze, and propose countermeasures and measures to eliminate faults and ensure quality. In actual production, although production is performed according to the experimentally obtained process parameters and the composition ratio of the materials, there is no guarantee that the produced product performance is absolutely uniform, as long as it fluctuates smoothly within a predetermined range, that is, the production of the product is considered In control. However, due to various reasons, such as raw materials, operating conditions, process methods, equipment maintenance, natural environment and other factors, the performance of products often fluctuates. Therefore, according to the changes in specific circumstances, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and adjustment in the production process, so that the entire production process is in a scientific management and tightly controlled, with a higher quality of work to ensure a higher product quality. To find the quality problems in the production process, it is easy to find out the clues from the voluminous data records. In addition to the use of mathematical statistics methods, there must also be appropriate scientific testing methods and advanced and rapid test methods. The important symbol of management technology level. With the in-depth development of quality management, we need to implement reforms in management thinking, management systems, management methods, and management organizations. In the end, we will further liberate the productive forces and promote the progress of the four modernizations.
1937年7月,埃德加·斯诺的妻子尼姆·威尔斯(即海伦·福斯特)冲破重重阻碍,几经辗转,到达延安。这位执着的女记者对延安生活进行了全面深入的了解—— July 1937, Edgar Sno
文章由《瑞云》的故事结构及人物塑造分析入手,对蒲松龄关于妓女命运的思考进行梳理,从文化心理与神怪类小说特有的文体特点提供对《聊斋志异》新的关注角度。 The article
一部近代史人人皆知,割地赔款、丧权辱国。 嘉庆道光年间,中国富裕繁荣,官员大肆挥霍,官吏饮食衣服,车马玩好,无不斗奇称巧。一次宴请常常三日不能毕。道光继位,颇想重振大