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小肠管腔细长 ,相互重叠 ,影响了病变的显示。而且目前尚缺乏小肠内窥镜检查 ,因此对其检查方法的研究与改进是很有必要的。近年来 ,除口服法外 ,应用直接插管法插至十二指肠屈氏韧带附近 ,经导管注入钡气双对比造影[1~ 4 ] ,但操作比较复杂时。我院于 1994- 0 4采用经肛管灌 Small intestine slender, overlapping, affecting the display of the disease. At present, there is still no endoscopic examination of small intestine, so it is necessary to study and improve its examination method. In recent years, in addition to oral law, the application of direct intubation inserted duodenal flexor ligament near the catheterized barium gas double contrast angiography [1 ~ 4], but the operation is more complicated. Our hospital in 1994- 0 4 by anal canal irrigation
Nowadays, inter-task interferences are the main di?culty in analyzing the timing behavior of multicores. The timing predictable embedded multicore architecture
在介入治疗过程中 ,股动脉、股静脉穿刺插管术后 ,穿刺点的出血与血肿是常见并发症[1] ,是应用大剂量抗凝药进行介入溶栓治疗、严重高血压和凝血功能差病人的主要并发症 ,甚
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Sister Mary Joseph’s nodule is an inconspicuous and uncommon clinical sign of advanced malignant disease, especially gastric cancer. Pregnancy-associated gastr
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction (IPO) either acute or chronic is a condition including features of intestinal ileus in absence of mechanical obstruction. Our pape
Foreign bodies in the colon are encountered with increasing frequency, but only sporadic reports concerning their management have appeared in the literature. Wh