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中日羊八井宇宙线合作实验自1989年开始已长达十多年,迄今的业绩表明,这是一个成功的国际合作项目。羊八井得天独厚的高海拔地理优势与国际先进的科研设备以及一批有献身精神的中日科研人员相结合,以较少的投入收到较大的效果,也因此成为国际上最具代表性的观测实验基地之一。汤田利典先生是中日羊八井宇宙线联合观测实验项目的日方首席科学家。他从20多年前开始与中国科学家开始接触,积极推动双方的合作。在合作期间,双方科学家相互信任、坦诚直言,结下了深厚的感情。他与中国科学家合作二三十年,这在中日两国科技交流史上是值得称颂的。前年他从东京大学宇宙线研究所退休后转入名古屋大学,继续从事宇宙线的研究。为纪念他在宇宙线研究所期间和中国科学家合作20多年,他在该所杂志上撰文,无限感慨地回顾了他与中国的合作情况,并对支持过他的中国朋友充满了感激之情。文中提到,由于文化大革命的原因中国的科学研究大大落后于世界。一批刚从牛棚和劳改中刚刚回到科研工作的中国科学家不顾心灵上的创伤,以高度的责任感,拼命汲取国外的先进经验,追赶国际先进水平。在邓小平同志的大力支持下,高能物理研究所建成了北京正负电子对撞机,使中国科学家建立起信心。在今年中日两国恢复邦交正常化30周年之际,回顾中日两国科技前辈为促进两国的交流所付出的艰辛,更加珍惜来之不易的中日科技界大好合作的局面。 The Sino-Japanese Yangbajing cosmic ray cooperation experiment has been going on for more than 10 years since 1989 and the performance so far shows that it is a successful international cooperation project. Yangbajing unique geographical advantages of high altitude and the international advanced scientific research equipment and a group of dedicated Sino-Japanese scientific research personnel combined with less investment to receive greater results, and therefore become the most representative international One of the observation experimental base. Mr. Yuda Yuda is the chief Japanese scientist in the Sino-Japanese joint Yang-Bajing cosmic ray experiment program. He started to contact Chinese scientists more than 20 years ago and actively promoted cooperation between the two sides. During the cooperation period, scientists from both sides believed in each other with honesty and frankness and formed profound feelings. He has worked with Chinese scientists for two or three decades, which is laudable in the history of science and technology exchanges between China and Japan. Two years ago he retired from the Cosmic Ray Research Institute of the University of Tokyo and transferred to Nagoya University to continue his research on cosmic rays. To commemorate his collaboration with Chinese scientists for more than two decades at the Cosmic Ray Research Institute, he wrote an article in the magazine, who recalled his cooperation with China indefinitely and expressed his gratitude to the Chinese friends who supported him. The article mentions that due to the Great Cultural Revolution, China's scientific research lags far behind the world. A group of Chinese scientists who have just returned to scientific research from the bullpen and labor reforms have, despite their spiritual trauma, with a high sense of responsibility, desperately absorbing advanced foreign experience and catching up with the advanced international standards. With the great support of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the Institute of High Energy Physics has built the Beijing Electron Positron Collider, which has enabled Chinese scientists to build confidence. At the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan this year, recalling the hardships that the scientific and technological predecessors of China and Japan have made in promoting the exchanges between the two countries, and cherishing the hard-won good cooperation between science and technology circles in China and Japan cherish them even more.
a.某男子遭枪击死亡,虽然桌上放着遗书,但警方仍断定为他杀,为什么?  b.警方从地上的鞋印判断,作案的是一个团伙。请问:共有几人?发现几个鞋印?  ……
学术论文是用以论证并报道作者本人在某一科学领域内的新发现、新见解的文章。所谓新发现、新见解,就是信息,就是传递中存在于作者与读者之间的知识差(degree of knowledge)
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