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监利县每年征购粮食两亿斤。固定和临时收购点108个。在收购工作中,基层粮站的业务人员,每到日终,为了使每日出纳、开票的金额相符,防止差错和其他问题,必须将当日开票、付款结出总额进行核对。但是由于统购凭证开出后,持证人往往不当日取款,开票员不得不将粮食统购结算凭证已付金额与存根联金额逐一核对(两联套对法),查出来付金额,这样工作量相当大,有时没有及时套对,由开票、出纳员各按各的凭证分别上划,而使未领款、遗失、涂改、内外作案等问题不能当天发现,造成悬帐悬案。不核对,不行,套对,工作量又大,成为工作中一大难题。随着农业生产责任制的推行,今年夏粮入库,统购结算凭证比过去成倍增多,套对工作量更大, Jianli County every year to buy two hundred million pounds of food. Fixed and temporary acquisition of 108 points. In the acquisition of the work, grass-roots grain station business staff, to the end of the day, in order to make the daily cashier, invoice amount consistent with the prevention of errors and other issues, must be the same day invoicing, payment of the total amount of reconciliation. However, due to the issuance of the purchase vouchers, the holders of certificates often resorted to withdrawals on the same day, and the courier had to check the amount paid each time with the vouchers of the MOFCOM and the amount of the shares of the coffers (two sets of pairs), and found out the amount paid Quite large, and sometimes did not set the right time, by the billing, the cashier each according to the respective vouchers, leaving the unclaimed, lost, altered, inside and outside the crime and other issues can not be found the same day, resulting in suspended suspension. Do not check, no, set right, heavy workload, a major problem in the work. With the implementation of the responsibility system for agricultural production, the storage of summer grain, the purchase and settlement of accounts vouchers multiplied more than in the past, and the workload was greater,
尤里塞斯·格兰特为美国南北战争中北军的主帅,后曾任美国第18届总统(1869—1877年)。本篇演说发表于田纳西州陆军为格兰特骑马塑像落成宴会上。…… Ulysses S. Grant, coa
【摘 要】工业设计专业是一门科技创新与艺术创新相结合的应用型交叉学科,传统的工业设计教学方式更多的侧重于科学技术等理性内容的传授和理性思维的训练,而如何通过增加教学中的感性体验来训练学生的感性思维,对于工业设计这一创意产业来说也尤为重要。  【关键词】工业设计教学 感性 体验 方法  1 感性和体验  感性相对于理性而言,理性和感性共同构成了人们的认知模型,它们分别由大脑的左右半球分工合作。心理学
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游医胡说三天包治好艾滋病,这完全是骗人的鬼话,而有人却笃信不疑。这真是“愚昧对愚昧”! Tour medical nonsense three days to cure AIDS, which is completely deceptiv
本文首先介绍QC特性,然后对一类具有QC特性的编、译码器的结构及其性能进行了分析和研究。 This paper first introduces QC features, and then analyzes and studies the struc
光说不练是带不来效益的,所以在一些人眼中,企业家不善言辞并不为过。但一个口才好的企业家更易给人 It is not an excuse not to bring light to light, so in the eyes o