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商标,是企业的无形财富。它不但是区别商品或服务来源的标志,而且负载了一个经营者管理水平的高低、资信状况的好坏、市场竞争能力的强弱等诸多生产经营信息,从而成为企业表示其自身财产价值的标志。商标专用权的产生是由商标注册申请人提出申请,国家商标局依法进行审定并准予注册,核发《商标注册证》的具体行政行为结果。在商标核准注册过程中,山于商标注册申请人的某些原因或者 Trademarks are the intangible assets of a company. It not only distinguishes the sign of the source of goods or services, but also bears a lot of production and management information, such as the level of managerial management, the status of credit standing, the strength of market competitiveness, and so on, and thus becomes a sign of the company’s own property value. . The right to exclusive use of a trademark is filed by an applicant for trademark registration, the State Trademark Office examines and approves the registration in accordance with the law, and issues the results of specific administrative acts of the “Trademark Registration Certificate”. In the process of trademark registration and approval, some of the reasons for the registration of trademark applicants by
While consolidating and developing themarkets in the United States,Japanand Europe,China should open upnew markets,including the Common-wealth of Independent S
In the first half of 1995,China im-ported 4,118 tonnes and exported790 tonnes aluminium can stock,whichresulted in 3,328 tonnes of net im-ports. In the first
April 3—7 WEEK The Shanghai cop-per futures closed higher with theApril contract hitting a record high.Spot tightness had pushed up futures April 3-7 WEEK Th