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近六、七年来,美国最拔尖的高山滑雪选手是一对孪生兄弟菲尔·马尔和斯蒂夫·马尔,他们今年 26岁,哥哥菲尔比弟弟斯蒂夫早出生四分钟。除了伤病外,他俩总是一同进行每次的比赛,你追我赶,毫不相让。在1980—1981年度的滑雪世界杯赛(注:这个世界大赛每年举行一次,时间在本年的年末和下年的年初,为期四个月以上;选手们要在多个国家进行比赛,并累计每场的积分,最后定出冠军。男子高山滑雪包括三个项目:速度降下,小回转和大回转)末两场的比赛中,菲尔和“滑雪之王”、瑞典人斯滕马克积分 Nearly six or seven years, the top mountain skiers in the United States are twin brothers Phil Marr and Steve Marr, who are 26 years old and brother Philby, his brother, was born four minutes early. In addition to injury, the two of them are always together for each game, you catch me rush, do not give in. In the 1980-1981 World Cup of Skiing (Note: This world competition is held once a year for the period of more than four months at the end of this year and the beginning of next year. Players must compete in multiple countries and accumulate Field points, and finally set the championship.Mountain alpine skiing includes three projects: speed down, small swing and swing) the last two games, Phil and the “king of skiing”, the SwedishStenMARK points
TIANCHI volcano,Changbaishan Mountains isthe largest modern active volcano in East Chi-na.Many times strong volcanic erupting activ-ities occurred in the Cenoz
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