
来源 :地震地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dtmark
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本文对影响地下水位变化的两类主要干扰因素进行了机理讨论,应用数学方法对干扰因素进行了定量、半定量排除,并提取出一些地震信息,对唐山地震前唐山地区地下水位异常有些新认识。 地下水是地壳的组成部分,是新构造运动中极其活跃的因素。十多年来的地震预报实践表明,地下水位是一种较有希望的预报手段,干扰因素的排除与地震信息的提取是实现地震预报的前提,是评价预报手段能力最基本的标志。从地震预报观点出发,我们把数据中与地震发生直接或间接关系的部分称为信息,除了信息以外的部分统称为干扰。 地下水位的主要干扰因素可分为两类。一类是通过含水层水量变化引起的水位变化(其主要因素是降水和开采);另一类是含水层应力应变状态改变引起的水位变化(其主要因素是气压、固体潮、地面荷载、地震波等附加应力对含水层的影响)。地下水位值是包含干扰与信息在内的一个综合物理量。由于各种干扰因素的特征和周期不同,故可利用数学方法或其它分析方法将它们从水位中一一分离出来或予以扣除,从而提取出地震信息。 In this paper, two main types of disturbance factors affecting the groundwater level are discussed in terms of mechanism. Mathematical methods are used to quantitatively and semi-quantitatively remove the interference factors, and some seismic information is extracted. Some new understanding of the anomalies of groundwater level in Tangshan area before the Tangshan earthquake . Groundwater is an integral part of the crust and is an extremely active factor in neotectonics. The practice of earthquake prediction for more than a decade shows that the groundwater level is a promising forecasting method. The removal of interference factors and the extraction of seismic information are the prerequisites for earthquake prediction and the most basic indicator of the ability of forecasting. From the point of view of earthquake prediction, we refer to the part of the data that is directly or indirectly related to earthquakes as information, with the exception of information being referred to as interference. The main disturbing factors of groundwater level can be divided into two categories. One is the change of water level caused by the change of aquifer water level (the main factor is precipitation and mining); the other is the change of water level caused by the change of stress-strain state of aquifer (the main factors are air pressure, solid tide, ground load, seismic wave Such as the impact of additional stress on the aquifer). Groundwater level is an integrated physical quantity that contains interference and information. Due to the different characteristics and cycles of various disturbing factors, they can be separated or deducted from the water level using mathematical methods or other analytical methods to extract seismic information.
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