
来源 :干部人事月报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anilit
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2001年末,国务院副总理李岚清在人民大会堂与出席“科技创业、报效祖国——2001海外学人回国创业周”活动的部分代表座谈时强调,要积极营造良好的环境,鼓励和支持海外学人为国服务,回国创业。李岚清指出,改革开放以来,中国一大批留学人员在国外深造,学业有成,事业有为,为祖国争得荣誉。大家身在国外,心系祖国,很多人学成后回国创业,取得了可喜的成绩,为现代化建设做出了贡献,显示了海外中华儿女对祖国的赤子之心。为此,本刊专访了几位归国创业的海外学子,他们的思想体现了新一代归国创业人员重新梳理心态和对祖国发展的深长的用心。他们对归国创业的深切体会,将为我们认识、理解“海归派”提供重要参照。 At the end of 2001, at the Great Hall of the People, Vice Premier Li Lanqing of the State Council held discussions with some delegates attending the “Science and Technology Entrepreneurship, Serving the Motherland - Returning Overseas Business Start-up Week for Overseas Students in 2001” activities, and emphasized that it is necessary to actively create a favorable environment and encourage and support overseas Learn to serve the country, return home business. Li Lanqing pointed out: Since the reform and opening up, a large number of China's overseas students have studied overseas for a long time, have accomplished their studies successfully and have accomplished their careers so as to win honor for the motherland. We are all living abroad and are deeply concerned about our motherland. Many people have returned home after starting their studies and achieved gratifying results. They have made contributions to the modernization drive and show the true feelings of the sons and daughters of overseas Chinese toward the motherland. To this end, the magazine interviewed several overseas students returning home business, their thinking reflects the return of a new generation of entrepreneurs to regain the mentality and deep-seated intentions for the development of the motherland. Their profound experience of returning home and starting their businesses will provide important reference for our understanding and understanding of “returnees.”
一、对一般现在时的考查1.考查其基本概念:一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态。它常与always,every time,now and then,occasionally,often,sel- dom,sometimes,usua