
来源 :中国工运学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chukwokhung
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有关省港罢工的领导问题,在国内外史学界一直持有不同的意见。一说是中国共产党领导的,二说是中国国民党领导的,还有说是国共合作领导的。只要我们本着尊重史实和实事求是的态度,不难发现在这场罢工中还有中共党团(即中共党组的史称)或称罢工党团组织。有必要对它的地位作一番考察和分析,了解它的性质和影响,看它是怎样把罢工推向前进的,就有利于对罢工的领导问题作出客观公正的结论。一、中共党团是在罢工的发动和组织过程中建立的在第一次国共合作的历史条件下,以“指导广东一切实际工作”为任务的中共中央派出机关——中共中央广州临时委员会(以下简称中共广州临委),当上海“五卅”惨案一发生就决定以此为契机,策划、发动香港和广州的洋务工人举行罢工,以声援上海和扩大全国性的反帝斗争形势并带动广东全省的工农运动,促进广东革命形势的发展,影响摇摆的广东政局。为此,中共广东区委于1925年5月31日晚召开了党、团员大会,“报告广东时 Concerning the leadership of the strike in Ho Chi Minh City, historians and scholars both at home and abroad have always held different opinions. One is said to be led by the Chinese Communist Party, the other is to be led by the Chinese Kuomintang, and the other is to say that it is led by the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. As long as we follow the example of respecting historical facts and seeking truth from facts, it is not difficult to find out that during this strike there are also the Chinese Communist Party League (that is, the history of the Chinese Communist Party group) or the strike group organization. It is necessary to conduct an investigation and analysis on its status, understand its nature and impact, and see how it advances the strike so as to make an objective and fair conclusion on the leadership of the strike. First, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) delegation was established by the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee under the historical conditions of the first KMT-CPC cooperation to launch the strike and organize the CPC Central Committee with the mandate of “guiding all practical work in Guangdong” - the provisional committee of Guangzhou (hereinafter Referred to as the CPC Guangzhou Provisional Committee). When the massacre of “Wuyi” in Shanghai took place, it was decided to take this as an opportunity to plan and launch the strike of foreign workers in Hong Kong and Guangzhou to support Shanghai and expand the nationwide anti-imperialist struggle and bring Guangdong The province’s workers and peasants movement promoted the development of the revolutionary situation in Guangdong and affected the swaying Guangdong political situation. To this end, the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee held a party and member assembly on the evening of May 31, 1925. "When Guangdong was reported
【正】 一、新《工会法》突出了工会代表和组织职工参与国家事务和企业事业民主管理的职责新《工会法》规定:县级以上各级人民政府制定国民经济和社会发展计划,省、自治区的
【正】 现在,出现在我们面前的有这样一门独立的、新兴的社会科学——企业民主管理学。它是在企业民主管理长期历史实践的土壤中逐渐地生长出来的。这门新学科的历史任务就是