
来源 :招生考试通讯(高考版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy02191348
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辽宁省执行的考后“知分、知线、知位”填报志愿方式,对志愿填报的精度要求非常高。因平行志愿“一轮投档”的属性,如果考生在填报志愿时只了解目标院校、专业的发展情况和录取情况,而不去查阅该校的《招生简章》,对该校在录取上的特殊要求掌握不到位,就很容易造成误报;相反,如果考生认真研究这些特殊规则,不仅可以有效规避志愿填报的风险,甚至通过利用好特殊规则,实现“绝地反击”。过来人个案 Liaoning Province, the exam after the implementation of “knowledge, knowledge, knowledge,” fill in voluntary means, the accuracy of voluntary reporting is very high. Due to the parallel volunteer “a cast cast ” attribute, if the candidates fill in the volunteer only know the target institutions, professional development and admission, rather than access to the school’s “enrollment brochures,” the admission of the school On the contrary, if the examinee carefully study these special rules, not only can effectively avoid the risk of voluntary reporting, even through the use of special rules, to achieve “Jedi fight back ”. Came case
专门的消杀灭机构主要担负着城市各大宾馆、医院等单位的杀灭任务。这项工作在除害灭病 ,保持良好的环境方面发挥了重要作用 ,但在实际工作中此机构尚存在一些问题 ,这对搞好
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地处湘西北的澧县,是湖南省 第一个推行城镇职工基本医 疗保险的试点县。从去年8月1日起,这个县逐步对党政机关、行政事业单位和部分企业实行医疗保险制度改革,在这场利益格局大调
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