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加强电力系统的管理,是搞好电力系统安全经济运行的重要环节,是关系到全国粮钢增产的大事,必须把它摆到重要地位上来。毛主席教导说:“人们的思想必须适应已经变化了的情况。”这样,才能跟上形势发展的需要。解放之初,我国十一万伏以上的电力系统只有一个,大部地区是由分散孤立的电厂供电。现在情况大不相同了。十一万伏以上的电力系统已经有很多了,这些电网的设备容量已经占全国总容量的四分之三以上,同时,出现了不少几十万、几百万瓩的大电力系统。电力系统管得好坏,直接关系到全国绝大多数工矿企业的生产和基本建设,责任是空前地加重了。还要看到,随着电力系统的不断扩大,输电距离越来越远,输电电压越来越高,输电容量越来越大;大量新技术装备的投入,运行技术越来越复杂,对供电的影响也越来越大,加上超 Strengthening the management of the power system is an important part of the safe and economic operation of the power system. It is a major issue that affects the increase of production of grain and steel in the country and must be placed on an important position. Chairman Mao taught: “People’s thinking must adapt to the changed circumstances.” In this way, we can keep up with the needs of the development of the situation. At the beginning of the liberation, there was only one power system with more than 110,000 volts in China. Most of the power systems were powered by decentralized power plants. The situation is very different now. There are already more than 110,000 volts of power systems. The equipment capacity of these power grids has accounted for more than three quarters of the country’s total capacity. At the same time, there have been hundreds of thousands of large power systems. The management of the power system is directly related to the production and basic construction of the vast majority of industrial and mining enterprises in the country, and the responsibility has been increased forever. We must also realize that with the continuous expansion of the power system, the transmission distance is getting longer and the transmission voltage is getting higher and higher and the transmission capacity is getting bigger and bigger; The impact is also growing, plus super
1.The following notes deal with some considerations about choice of proper block coefficientand prismatic coefficient during the design of ordinary Sea going m
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本次会议自十月十四日蛭廿三日在武汉举行,参加大会的有近200个单位的400余名科学家、教授和工程技术人员,还有数十位苏联专家也参加了公议。 会议检阅了一年来的科研工作成