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由水利部黄河水利委员会主办的第二届黄河国际论坛,于2005年10月18日~21日在郑州召开,来自全球60多个国家和地区的800多名专家学者参加了这次世界水利盛会。本次大会的中心议题是维持河流健康生命,分维持河流健康生命、流域水资源一体化管理及现代技术应用、河流工程与非工程技术、水环境与水生态保护、跨流域调水技术及水资源配置、水权水价及水市场政策等6个专题,共收到论文400多篇,在大会主会场和66个分会场,与会代表进行了充分的交流。本期杂志在全文刊发黄河国际论坛组委会主席、黄河水利委员会主任、教授级高级工程师李国英的主题报告《维持河流健康生命——以黄河为例》和图片报道的同时,从大会交流的论文中选编40篇论文的文摘,以尽可能多的篇幅介绍本次大会的盛况,希望能对广大读者有所裨益。需要说明的是,刊出的文摘在体例上与往期杂志有所不同,同时由于时间紧迫和篇幅所限,难免挂一漏万或存在差错,请会议论文作者及广大读者鉴谅。 The Second Yellow River International Forum, organized by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, was held in Zhengzhou from October 18 to 21, 2005. More than 800 experts and scholars from over 60 countries and regions attended the World Water Conservancy . The central theme of this conference is to maintain the healthy life of the river, maintain the healthy life of the river, the integrated management of water resources and the application of modern technology, river engineering and non-engineering technology, water environment and ecological protection, inter-basin water diversion technology and water Resource allocation, water pricing and water market policies. They received more than 400 articles and conducted full exchanges in the main venue and 66 sub-venues. This issue of the magazine published the full text of the Yellow River International Forum organizing committee chairman, director of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, a professor-level senior engineer Li Guoying theme report “to maintain a healthy river life - the Yellow River as an example” and pictures at the same time, from the exchange Selected papers in the essay 40 papers, as much as possible to introduce the grand occasion of this conference, hoping to benefit the majority of readers. It should be noted that the published abstracts differ from the previous periodicals in the past and at the same time, due to the time constraints and limited space, it is inevitable that there should be any omissions or errors. Please review the dissertation authors and readers.
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