引种丰脐 喜获丰收

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为发展名优柑桔,巴县白市良种场,经过三年的努力,引种繁育丰脐等柑桔新品种喜获丰收。1993年11月2日通过了同行专家的现场验收鉴定。验收结果表明:丰脐与目前种植的华脐、朋娜等脐橙比较,具有果大皮薄、肉脆无核、汁多味浓、早熟高产等特点。高接换种的三年生树,亩产达932公斤、株产16.8公斤,单果重260克,比同期高接的华脐分别增产40.9%、60%,单果增重48.4%,这一成果在四川尚属首次;专家们认为:丰脐的引种成功,解决了省内相似地 For the development of famous citrus, Baixian white market, after three years of hard work, the introduction of breeding new varieties of umbilicaria harvest hi harvest. November 2, 1993 adopted a peer expert on-site inspection acceptance. Acceptance results show that: Feng na compared with the current planted Hua na, Peng Na and other navel orange, with a large skin thin, crisp and non-nuclear, juicy and more concentrated, early maturity and high yield characteristics. High exchange of three-year-old trees, per mu up to 932 kg, strain 16.8 kg, fruit weight 260 grams, respectively, over the same period of high-yield Hua na 40.9%, 60%, 48.4% weight gain, the results in Sichuan is the first time; experts believe: Feng na introduction of the success of the province to solve similar
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