英飞凌科技股份公司日前宣布,该公司展示了一款硬盘读取IC内核的功能以及超过2.6 Gbps(千兆位每秒)的数据率,是业内90nm读取通道最高的数据率,比前一代器件几乎要快30%。该内核是英飞凌与日立环球存储科技有限公司联合开发的第三代读取通道。它被集
Infineon Technologies AG announced today that it has demonstrated the capabilities of a hard disk read IC core and data rates in excess of 2.6 Gbps (Gigabits per second), the industry’s highest data rate for 90nm read channels, Almost 30% faster than previous generation devices. The core is the third-generation read channel jointly developed by Infineon and Hitachi Global Storage Technologies. It is set