【摘 要】
Since the formal deductive system (?) was built up in 1997, it has played important roles in the theoretical and applied research of fuzzy logic and fuzzy reaso
【出 处】
Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences)
Since the formal deductive system (?) was built up in 1997, it has played important roles in the theoretical and applied research of fuzzy logic and fuzzy reasoning. But, up to now, the completeness problem of the system (?) is still an open problem. In this paper, the properties and structure of R0 algebras are further studied, and it is shown that every tautology on the R0 interval [0,1] is also a tautology on any R0 algebra. Furthermore, based on the particular structure of (?) -Lindenbaum algebra, the completeness and strong completeness of the system (?) are proved. Some applications of the system (?) in fuzzy reasoning are also discussed, and the obtained results and examples show that the system (?) is suprior to some other important fuzzy logic systems.
Since the formal deductive system (?) Was built up in 1997, it has played important roles in the theoretical and applied research of fuzzy logic and fuzzy reasoning. But, up to now, the completeness problem of the system (?) Is still an open problem. In this paper, the properties and structure of R0 algebras are further studied, and it is shown that every tautology on the R0 interval [0,1] is also a tautology on any R0 algebra. Furthermore, based on the particular structure of?? -Lindenbaum algebra, the completeness and strong completeness of the system (?) are proved. Some applications of the system (?) in fuzzy reasoning are also discussed, and the obtained results and examples show that the system (?) is suprior to some other important fuzzy logic systems.
天麻(Gastrodia elata Bl.)属于兰科多年生草本植物。主产我国,以四川、云南、贵州、陕西等地为最多,其次是湖北,吉林也有分布。天麻无根无叶,适应凉爽、湿润的环境,一般分
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摘要:本文通过对电子专业毕业生在企业工作情况的跟踪调查,反思目前高职院校电子专业技能培养中存在的一些问题,提出了在技能培养方面的改革措施,以期能优化本专业人才培养模式,提高学生的技能水平。 关键词:电子专业 技能培养 培养模式 有人认为,电子专业对人员的素质要求高,不仅要有较高的理论也要有较强的技能,还要具备知识更新的能力,因此要学好电子技术,对高职院校几乎是不可能。的确,电子专业是一种对