
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FreshLearn
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这是一次特别的对话,原由是山东省东营市教育局组织的全市创新教育案例征集活动。活动的初衷是发动广大教师反思和梳理自己的教育教学理念和行为,引导大家做研究型教师并从中品味从事教育的幸福感。东营市教育局长张洪生在读了这些案例后,欣然写下了一封真挚而闪烁着教育思想光芒的回信。由于篇幅所限,仅选择了其中一篇案例与信一起刊登。我们相信,这里面说出了不少教师的心里话,而且也会引发教师的诸多思考,尤其是在如火如荼的课程改革中,寻找教师职业对于自身的价值与幸福更富有特别的意义。在文章内容的价值之外,这种教育局长与教师的对话更是值得褒扬的,因为这是新课程所倡导的文化的一部分。如果局长和教师经常能在这样的层面达成共同的理解,教育可能又是另一番景象了。 This is a special dialogue on the basis of the city’s Dongying City Bureau of Education organized by the city’s case of innovative education case solicitation. The original intention of the activity was to mobilize the majority of teachers to reflect on and comb their own educational and teaching concepts and behaviors, and to guide everybody to be a research teacher and taste the happiness in education. After reading these cases, Zhang Hongsheng, director of Dongying Education Bureau, was pleased to write down a reply from a sincere and flashing educational philosophy. Due to space limitations, only one of the cases was selected for publication with the letter. We believe that there are many teachers who say what they say, but also lead to many thinking teachers, especially in full swing in the reform of the curriculum, looking for teachers and professions for their own value and happiness more special significance. In addition to the value of the content of the article, this dialogue between the Director of Education and teachers is even more commendable because it is part of the culture advocated by the new curriculum. If the Secretary and teachers can often reach a common understanding on this level, education may be another story.
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