Seasonal shifts in the solute ion ratios of vadose zone rock moisture from the Eel River Critical Zo

来源 :Acta Geochimica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dindin
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One of the greatest challenges in critical zone studies is to document the moisture dynamics, water flux,and solute chemistry of the unsaturated, fractured and weathered bedrock that lies between the soil and groundwater table. The central impediment to quantifying this component of the subsurface is the difficulty associated with direct observations. Here, we report solute chemistry as a function of depth collected over a full year across the shale-derived vadose zone of the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory using a set of novel sub-horizontal wellbores,referred to as the vadose zone monitoring system. The results of this first geochemical glimpse into the deep vadose zone indicate a dynamic temporal and depth-resolved structure. Major cation concentrations reflect seasonal changes in precipitation and water saturation, and normalized ratios span the full range of values reported for the world’s largest rivers. One of the greatest challenges in critical zone studies is to document the moisture dynamics, water flux, and solute chemistry of the unsaturated, fractured and weathered bedrock that lies between the soil and groundwater table. The central impediment to quantifying this component of the subsurface is the difficulty associated with direct observations. Here, we report solute chemistry as a function of depth collected over a full year across the shale-derived vadose zone of the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory using a set of novel sub-horizontal wellbores, referred to as the results of this first geochemical glimpse into the deep vadose zone indicate a dynamic temporal and depth-resolved structure. Major cation concentrations reflect seasonal changes in precipitation and water saturation, and normalized ratios span the full range of values ​​reported for the world’s largest rivers.
金色的七月,河湟岸畔瓜熟蒂落,金黄的小麦开始下镰收割,熟透的桃李采摘上市,这是个美好的丰收季节。忙碌的庄户人家,将种植的小麦全部打碾进仓,将树上的果实变为厚厚的人民币时,时序已到月底,此刻,正是金秋八月,他们为了感谢神佛的保佑,庆贺丰收的年景,以酬神佛庆丰年而举办的“八月初一馒头会”的序幕,在那充满欢庆气氛的乡村间缓缓拉开。  (一)  说起“馒头会”的历史根源,笔者认为,它是农耕文化的精华,也是
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