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1957年,在莫斯科接见中国青年留学生时,毛泽东曾说:“世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们的。”几十年后,在“干部年轻化”浪潮中,年轻成为了政治长跑的资本。政治立场坚定,能够掌控大局,有过中央、地方工作历练的年轻官员,越来越多的被委以重任。观察人士认为,在未来10到20年里,一批“60后”官员将左右中国的政经走向。作为一颗冉冉升起的政治新星,胡春华屡创中国政坛“第一”:43岁,他出任共青团中央第一书记,成为当时最年轻的正部级官员。去年1月,46岁的他成为中国最年轻的省长。10个月后,内蒙古自治区党委书记一职,让他再次成为省市一把手中的“年轻人”。与众不同的是,在胡春华身上我们看到更多的理想和抱负:当年,以湖北五峰土家族自治县文科状元的身份,被北京大学中文系录取,毕业时,他出人意料地去了西藏,一干就是20年;党的十七大时,有记者问他:“有什么经验可以和青少年分享?”胡春华回答:“第一,要始终坚持理想……不能太浮躁,总要追求一点崇高的东西。”现在,胡春华开始主政一方,进入人生另一番征程,而他的雄心与抱负也将渐次展开,我们充满期待。 When he met Chinese young students in Moscow in 1957, Mao Zedong once said: “The world is yours and ours, but it is yours.” Decades later, in the midst of a wave of “younger cadres” Young became the capital of political long-distance running. Political positions are firm, young officials who have overall control over the overall situation and have experienced central and local work experience are increasingly being entrusted with their task. Observers believe that in the next 10 to 20 years, a group of “post-60s” officials will shape China’s political and economic trends. As a rising political star, Hu Chunhua repeatedly set the Chinese political arena “first”: 43 years old. He became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and became the youngest official at the ministerial level. Last January, 46, he became the youngest Governor of China. Ten months later, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region party secretary, let him once again become the number one province “” young people “. What sets us apart is that we see more ideals and aspirations in Hu Chunhua: In that year, he was accepted by the Department of Chinese at Peking University as a Liberal Scholar in Hubei Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County. Upon graduation, he unexpectedly went to Tibet. Is 20 years; when the 17th CPC National Congress, a reporter asked him: ”What experience can be shared with young people?“ Hu Chunhua replied: ”First, we must always adhere to the ideal ... ... can not be too impetuous, always pursue a little Lofty things. “” Now, Hu Chunhua began to rule one party and enter another journey of his life. His ambitions and aspirations will also gradually unfold. We are full of expectations.
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