“跨入新世纪 迎接新挑战”座谈会在京召开

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由中国核学会铀矿地质分会、核工业地质局联合主办的“跨入新世纪迎接新挑战”座谈会于2000年3月9-10日在北京召开。核学会铀矿地质分会理事长张伟星,副理事长赵凤民、李学礼、陆士立,地质局副局长兼总工程师郑大瑜、地质局原总工程师刘兴忠出席了会议,出席会议的还有核工业北? The Symposium “Meeting the New Challenge in the New Century” co-sponsored by the uranium deposit geological division of the Chinese Nuclear Society and the Nuclear Industrial Geology Bureau was held in Beijing from March 9 to 10, 2000. Zhang Weixing, chairman of the Institute of Uranium Ore Geology, Zhao Fengmin, Li Xili and Lu Shili, vice chairman of the Institute of Uranium Ore Geology, Zheng Da Yu, deputy director and chief engineer of the Bureau of Geology, and Liu Xingzhong, chief engineer of the Geological Bureau attended the meeting as well.
In this paper we calculate the ray-path and traveltimes of seismic wave with vector ray tracing, and then develop a technique to reconstruct the velocity image
内天山孕震区地壳流体状态的大气及宇宙因素影响研究(外文)@A.Y.阿不都拉耶夫$哈萨克斯坦共和国科学和高等教育部地震研究所!阿拉木图480060@苏乃秦 Atmospheric and Cosmol
光记录相纸在不同的湿度下其宽度变化达 4 2 % ,而由此引起的误差将大大超过资料质量评比条例所规定的量标误差值 ,给数据处理带来影响。本文通过实验 ,得出了在不同湿度下
美国国家科学院制定了“RIDGE”(全球海岭研究的学科间实验)规划。1991年完成了第一批航次 ,整个计划应在2003年前完成。现在该规划的主要倡导者美国国家科学基金会组织了来自50个研究机构的120位
我们在维修中发现伏尔加 M24-10小客车晶体管点火装置损坏率占整个点火系的90%以上,这是由于晶体管性能比较娇弱经受不了过电压、过电流的冲击。如果我们缺乏对换相器性能的
Y faulted depression is located in the southeast of Songliao basin, which is another important area explored for natural gas in deep Formation after Xujiaweizi.