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一、教育引导——净化交往心理。人际交往对一个人的成长进步影响很大。健康的交往,能够使人开阔视野,陶冶情操,增加社会阅历,催人奋进;而不健康的交往,容易使人追俗逐臭,势利待人,沾上不良习气。少数战士“不靠组织靠关系”的做法,就是一种不健康的人际关系。因此,必须注意加强对他们的教育引导,树立与人交往的正确态度。首先要教育战士明确,请客送礼、拉关系、走后门的行为是腐朽人际关系的表现,它败坏军队风气,腐蚀官兵感情,是军规、党纪、国法所不允许的。其次要教育战士明确人际交往的基本原则。使大家懂得,等价交换只适用于商品流通领域,不能将其移植到政治思想战线和人际交往中来。尊重、信任、友谊、平等才是发展正常人际关系的基础和前提。再次是教育战士消除“关系万能”的偏见,强化依靠组织解决问题的意识。引导大家相信组织,有话对组织说,有难请组织帮,有事请组织通过正常渠 First, education guide - purify communication psychology. Interpersonal communication has a great impact on a person’s progress and progress. Healthy exchanges, can make people broaden their horizons, cultivate sentiments, increase social experience, inspiring; and unhealthy contacts, easy to make people chasing stinky, snobbery, stained with bad habits. A few soldiers “do not rely on organization ” approach, is an unhealthy interpersonal relationship. Therefore, we must pay attention to strengthening their education and guidance, and establish the correct attitude to interact with others. First of all, we must educate fighters clearly, treat gifts, pull relationships, and take the back door as a manifestation of decadent human relations. It corrupts the military atmosphere and corrupts the feelings of officers and soldiers. It is not permitted by the military rules, party discipline, or national laws. Second, we must educate soldiers to clarify the basic principles of human relations. So that everyone knows that equivalent exchange is only applicable to the field of commodity circulation and can not be ported to political and ideological fronts and interpersonal contacts. Respect, trust, friendship and equality are the foundations and prerequisites for developing normal interpersonal relations. Once again, education fighters eliminate the prejudice of “universal relations” and strengthen the awareness of relying on organizations to solve problems. Guide you to believe the organization, there are words to the organization that there is difficulty in organizing help, please organize the passage of normal
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“忘记历史就意味着背叛。”学习历史对每个人特别是青年人是一项长期的任务,那么怎样才能学好呢?杨子才同志回答友人的八个问题,对此作出了很好的回答。 “Forgetting hist