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科技新闻容易写得呆板枯燥,这可谓是一个老大难问题。但是,《湘江水清江豚乐》却写得生动形象,別开生面。“奥妙”何在?从读者心理学的角度来说,它好就好在站在读者的角度写科技新闻。首先它从读者最感兴趣的事实入手:在“铜官渡口的湘江水域中人们突然发现10余条江豚逆流而上。有趣的是,这些江豚还不时地一对对跃出江面,抖动着黑褐色的躯体,给两岸等待过渡的行人作‘杂技表演’。”作者抓住新近发生的“江豚戏水”一事作导语,以真实生动的描写引人入胜,仿佛给读者再现了一幕动物表演,然后再把要告诉读者的事情娓娓道来,吸引读者一口气把消息看完。作者还善于从读者最为关心的“饮水”问题用笔 Easy to write dull and boring technology news, this can be described as a chronic problem. However, the “Xiangjiang River water qingjiang dolphin music” has written a vivid image, unique. What is “mystery”? From a reader psychology point of view, it’s good to write tech news from the reader’s perspective. First of all, it starts with the fact that readers are most interested in: In the “Xiangjiang River at the Tongguan ferry, people suddenly found more than 10 finless porpoises swimming upstream.” Interestingly, these finless porpoises also jumped from time to time to jitter Brown body that gives ’acrobatic performances’ to pedestrians waiting for a transition on both sides of the strait. “The author captures the recent” Finless Porpoise “as a guideline, fascinating by its vivid portrayal as if reproducing the animal performance for the reader before Tell the reader something to explain, to attract readers to read the news breath. The author is also good at using the pen from the ”drinking water" issue that readers are most concerned about
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