
来源 :吉林林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yin2002cn2008
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森林资源数字是编制林业生产计划的重要依据,而森林资源又随着时间的推移在不断地消长变化。虽然森林资源清查是取得资源数字的主要手段,但这项工作由于人力、财力的限制不可能频繁地进行。那么,怎样合理的估测调查间隔期中的资源数字呢?这就要取决于生长量的调查。知道了森林的生长率和枯损率就很容易以资源调查中相应的数据为基础,利用复利公式推算出某一时期的资源数字。生长量调查的关键问题:一是外业调查中样本的抽取是否合理;二是内业计算中生长率整列公式的选择是否得当。本文讨论的重点是生长率整列公式的形式问题。过去,被广泛采用的生长率整列公式的类型为: The number of forest resources is an important basis for compiling forestry production plans, and forest resources are continuously changing and changing over time. Although forest inventory is the main means of obtaining the resources figure, this work can not be carried out frequently due to the restriction of manpower and financial resources. So, how to reasonably estimate the number of resources in the survey interval? It depends on the growth of the survey. Knowing the growth rate and the rate of loss of forests can easily be calculated on the basis of the corresponding data from the resource survey by using the compound formula to calculate the number of resources for a given period. The key questions of the growth survey are: First, whether the sample extraction in the field survey is reasonable or not; and secondly, whether the choice of the formula for the growth rate in the calculation of the industry is appropriate. The focus of this article is the formality of the formula for growth rates. In the past, the widely used growth rate formula for the entire column was:
Objectives:To determine the anatomic and functional outcomes of photorefractive surgery in patients with underlying systemic diseases that are traditionally lis
《英语课程标准》指出:“我国基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力。”要达到这样的目标,没有足够的语言输入量是不行的。而大量的阅读正是语言输入转为输出的必不可少的途径。  在小学阶段,教师应该有意识地培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯,提高学生的英语阅读能力。作为一名从事一线工作的农村小学英语教师,经过十几年的英语教学实
影片梗概  1942年,因为一场旱灾,中国的河南省,发生了吃的问题。与此同时,世界还发生着这样一些事:斯大林格勒战役、甘地绝食、宋美龄访美和丘吉尔感冒。  老东家叫范殿元在大灾之年,战争逼近之时,他赶着马车,马车上拉着粮食,粮食上坐着他一家人,与大家一起加入往陕西逃荒的大军。三个月后,到了潼关,车没了,马没了,车上的人也没了。这时老东家特别纠结,他带一家人出来逃荒是为了让人继续活着,为什么到了陕西
2008年3月3日上午,湖北省民宗委主任谭徽在主持召开主任办公会议,就如何认真贯彻落实全省民族宗教工作会议精神进行了研究和部署。 On the morning of March 3, 2008, Tan H
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