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7月2日东庄海岸共72名会员参与了2012年度会员杯-夏季战!。本季赛事及春、秋季两赛季每赛的前20名(名额不重叠)都将被免费邀请参加年底举行的2012年度总决赛,众君角逐年度总冠军。比赛按职业赛方式间隔出发,战歌奏响,勇士们顶着烈日决战在东庄海岸林克斯场。比赛三洞即时计分,全场比赛历时10小时。经过激烈角逐,最终选手陈坚先生以77杆的成绩问鼎总杆冠军,亚军获得者为董志平先生,成绩为79杆,季军选手孙健先生,成绩为81杆。净杆冠、亚、季军获得者分别是马欢先生、孙福河先生、富庶先生,成绩分别为71.2杆,71.8杆,72.4杆。近洞获得者为王俊峰先生,远距获得者为黄华东先生。 On July 2, 72 members of Dongzhuang Coast participated in the 2012 Members Cup - Summer Games! This season’s tournaments and the top 20 in each of the two seasons of spring and fall (no overlapping places) will be invited to attend the 2012 Finals at the end of the year free of charge. Contest by way of professional competition starting interval, the battle song played, the warriors against the hot sun battle in the East Coast Link field. Match three-hole instant scoring, the game lasted 10 hours. After a fierce competition, the final player Mr. Chen Jian aspirations total score of 77 to win the championship runner-up for Mr. Dong Zhiping, a score of 79, third-place player Mr. Sun Jian, a score of 81. Net crown, Asia, third runner-up were Mr. Ma Huan, Mr. Sun Fuhe, Mr. rich, the results were 71.2, 71.8, 72.4. The near hole winner is Mr. Wang Junfeng and the long distance winner is Mr. Huang Huadong.