“不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人 能随随便便成功。”这不是豪言壮语,也不 是座右铭,这是每一位成功人士的真实写 照,同时也是金海恒公司的营销高手-- 肖俊的心声。 肖俊,在我初听到这个具有阳刚之气 的名字时,我以为“他”一定是位七尺男 儿,后来才从他的团队成员那里了解到 “他”原来是一名女子,并且为人正直,仗 义且富有爱心。终于,在金海恒公司第一 期店长会上,我见到了这位与我的想象天 差地远的采访对象。乍见肖俊,我真不敢 相信站在我面前的这位个子不高,靓丽温 柔的湘妹子,是传闻中那位做事稳重大 方,沉着冷静,活泼开朗,坚定执着的营 销高手。
“No storm, how to see the rainbow, no one can casually success. ” This is not rhetoric, nor is the motto, this is a true portrayal of every successful person, but also Kim Hae Heng’s marketing master - Xiao Jun’s voice. Xiao Jun, when I first heard this masculine name, I thought that “he” must have been a seven-foot man and later learned from his team members that “he” was originally a Woman, and honest, generous and caring. Finally, at the first manager meeting of Jin Haiheng Company, I met the interviewee who was far from my imagination. At first glance, Xiao Jun, I can not believe that standing in front of me who is not tall, beautiful and gentle Xiangmei Zi, rumor is steady and generous, calm and cheerful, lively and persistent marketing master.