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优质大粒耐贮鲜食葡萄新优系-峰后近年来,在我国葡萄生产中巨峰群品种的发展面积在不断增加,尤其是在一些生产季节多雨高温地区,巨峰群品种已发展成为主栽品种。该类品种抗性较强,果粒巨大,颇受广大生产者和消费者欢迎。但这类品种同时也存在风味较差、果实不耐贮运... In recent years, the development area of ​​Jufeng Group varieties in China’s grape production is on the increase, especially in the rainy and hot areas in some production seasons, the Jufeng Group varieties have been developed into the main cultivars . Such varieties of strong resistance, fruit huge, popular with the majority of producers and consumers. However, there are also such varieties of poor flavor, fruit intolerance storage ...
目的 探究帕拉米韦氯化钠注射液治疗小儿流行性感冒并发肺炎的疗效分析.方法 选取2018年3月-2019年12月收治我院治疗的156例流行性感冒并发肺炎患儿为研究对象,根据患儿入院
DEAR EDITOR, I am interested in contemporary Chinese women’s fiction, but rarely get the opportunity to hear about recent publications. Your magazine would be
老年保健专家瞿承方先生,今年已是90高龄。年初笔者打电话祝他新年好,他高兴地对我说:“谢谢!我的身体还很健康。”是啊,他的嗓音依然很响,听不出苍老的声调。 记得我有一次