白鲟Psephurus gladius(Martens)是我国特有的稀珍鱼类,近年来对其生物学做了一些初步的研究。鉴于它的种群较小,在学术上具有较为重要的价值,所以,长江兴修水利工程以后对其资源的影响及资源保护和增殖问题,特别是聚集于坝下江段的白鲟亲鱼性腺能否发育成熟等问题,和中华鲟一样引起了水产科学工作者的普遍关注。1983年4月26日,作者在葛洲坝水利枢纽下游的宜昌吔区进行鱼类资源调查吋,在枢纽泄水闸下,宜昌市磷肥厂附近江段采集到一尾白鲟,编号83-001,全长315厘米,体长263.5厘米,体重87公斤,空壳重72.5公斤,雌性,经解剖,发现其卵巢发育成熟。1986年3月底至4月初又采
Psephurus gladius (Martens) is a endemic rarefishes in China. In recent years, some preliminary studies on its biology have been done. In view of its relatively small population, it is of academic importance. Therefore, the influence of the rebuilding of the Yangtze River on its resources and the problems of resource conservation and multiplication, especially whether or not the gonads of white sturgeon Mature and other issues, and Chinese sturgeon aroused the widespread concern of aquatic scientists. On April 26, 1983, the authors conducted a fish resource survey in Yichang, a district downstream of the Gezhouba Dam, and collected a paddlefish, code 83-001, near the phosphate fertilizer plant in Yichang under a floodgate. 315 cm, body length 263.5 cm, weight 87 kg, empty shell weighs 72.5 kg, female, anatomical, found that its ovary mature. In late March to early April 1986 and mining