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良好的龙眼结果母枝枝条粗度在0.8厘米以上,有15张复叶以上;并在花芽分化前叶片转绿老熟,停止生长(休眼),积累充足养分。因此,在栽培管理上应采取如下措施。一、及时修剪促梢采果后立即进行一次修剪,先将采果后的挂果枝、落花落果枝从葫芦节上方进行短截,保留葫芦节,然后将内膛阴枝、细 Good longan results mother branch branches above 0.8 cm in thickness, with 15 leaves more than; and before the flower bud differentiation turn green mature, stop growing (restless eyes), the accumulation of adequate nutrients. Therefore, cultivation management should take the following measures. First, the prompt pruning pick prunes immediately after a pruning, the first fruiting branches after fruiting branches, plum blossom branches from the top of the gourd festival for short cut, keep gourd festival, and then the bore Yin branches, fine
  Tihe conventional thinking for meeting future energy challenges is to develop alternative energy technologies, particularly solar, wind, and biomass.As many
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  Energy intensity and carbon dioxide emissions associated with performing many large scale separations can be reduced by more than a full order of magnitude
谁都希望新春佳节多些鲜花,多些喜气,那么,开着金色小花的金盏菊一定能满足您这种愿望。但是怎样才能让它从4月开花变成春节盛开呢? 金盏菊性喜凉爽,不耐暑热,通常情况下都
  The interfacial assembly of bioactive molecules with inorganic particles has been figured to be a fascinating route to create novel bio-inorganic hybrids or
  Biomass is a renewable energy and carbon-based source, containing less sulfur and nitrogen dements compared with coal and petroleum.Recently we are developi
  After years of denial, political and industrial leaders around the world are beginning to address sustainability with the rigor its seriousness demands.To t