
来源 :中国城市研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huzhaohua1
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在生态文明背景下,城市经济增长应从依赖传统的自然资源、劳动力资本等要素转移到依赖创意性知识上来。生态文明的发展为创意产业的发展提供了历史机遇,创意产业的发展符合生态文明的文化伦理。本文重点分析欧洲七城市(曼彻斯特、巴塞罗那、阿姆斯特丹、慕尼黑、赫尔辛基、莱比锡、伯明翰)在发展创意产业方面所出台的政策以及对创意产业发展所持的态度:①七城市对创意产业发展政策所持态度有一定的差别;②七城市提出的与创意知识型城市相关的发展战略有很多相似的方面,侧重点稍有不同;③波西米亚情境不是所有创意产业发展的必要条件,创意产业从业人员的工作情境同他们的居住方位一样,具有多样化;④创意知识性战略会对社会产生影响,这种影响有积极与消极两个方面。因此,为更好地促进生态文明城市的建设,要在政策上对我国城市创意产业的发展给予支持;创意产业包含的内容广泛,不同的城市也应该从城市特性出发,确定创意产业发展的主要方面,并不是所有的城市都适合发展创意产业;必须创造一种宽松、包容、多样化的文化氛围,保持与创造创意情境,吸引创意人才。 In the context of ecological civilization, urban economic growth should shift from relying on traditional natural resources, labor capital and other factors to relying on creative knowledge. The development of ecological civilization has provided historical opportunities for the development of creative industries. The development of creative industries conforms to the cultural ethics of ecological civilization. This article focuses on the policies adopted by the seven cities in Europe (Manchester, Barcelona, ​​Amsterdam, Munich, Helsinki, Leipzig and Birmingham) for the development of creative industries and their attitudes toward the development of creative industries: ① The attitude of the seven cities toward the development of creative industries is There are a number of similarities and differences in emphasis; ③The Bohemian situation is not a necessary condition for the development of all creative industries. The number of employees in creative industries The working conditions are the same as their residential areas, and they are diversified. (4) Creative and knowledge-based strategies have an impact on the society, both positive and negative. Therefore, in order to better promote the construction of eco-civilization city, it is necessary to give policy support to the development of China’s urban creative industries. Creative industries contain a wide range of content. Different cities should also set out from the characteristics of cities and determine the major Not all cities are suitable for the development of creative industries; a relaxed, inclusive and diverse culture must be created to maintain and create creative situations and attract creative talents.
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