
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fc18597048
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转眼间,江苏省张家港边检站已经走过了整整30年。三十而立。30年是走向成熟之年,30年更是值得品味值得回味的年份。回味30年千辛万苦,感悟30年风雨历程,品味30年传承创新……从无到有,从小到大,从大到强,心中原有的疑惑渐渐化成了一种深深的敬意和感动。拓荒(1982-1987)1982年2月28日,江苏省人民政府决定对外开放张家港,并报国务院审批。9天后,11名战士被抽调来到当时的沙洲县,成立了最初的监护班,旋即赴连云港培训。40天后,时任连云港边检站检查员的刘富泉、徐国祥和总队后勤助理 Blink of an eye, Zhangjiagang border inspection station in Jiangsu Province has gone through a full 30 years. Thirty and stand. 30 years is the year of maturity, 30 years is worth the taste memorable year. Aftertaste 30 years of hardships, sentiment 30 years of stormy history, taste 30 years of innovation ...... From scratch, from small to large, from big to strong, the hearts of the original doubts gradually into a deep respect and Moving. Pioneer (1982-1987) On February 28, 1982, Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government decided to open Zhangjiagang to the outside world and submit it to the State Council for approval. Nine days later, 11 soldiers were deployed to Shazhou County at that time, setting up their first custody class and immediately went to Lianyungang for training. Forty days later, Liu Fuquan, Xu Guoxiang and the Corps Logistics Assistant
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