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最近重读了一遍巴金的《随想录》,二十多年过去了,我依然被书中浓郁的自我忏悔的氛围深深感染,巴金自责为了活命不惜将一只全家人喜欢的小狗送给医学院做解剖,痛心当年对胡风等人的批判,悔恨曾经的自轻自贱……巴金说:因为那些年的所作所为,他感到一种强烈的羞耻感。其实,巴金当年的人性“堕落”远比文坛其他一些人轻微得多。美国作家霍华德·法斯特是世界著名的左翼人士,1953年他发表《萨珂和凡宰特的受难——一部新英格兰传奇》,将无政府主义领袖人物萨珂、凡宰特在美国所受的不公正审判公之于众,赞美两位受难者的人格、精神。 I recently reread Ba Jin’s “Wandering Record,” and after more than twenty years passed, I was still deeply infected by the rich self-confessing atmosphere in the book. Ba Jin remonstrated the whole family for her life to give her puppies Medical school anatomy, painful then Hu Feng et al’s criticism, remorse once self-reliant ... ... Ba Jin said: because of those years of doing, he felt a strong sense of shame. In fact, Ba Jin’s humanity was “far more degraded” than other people in the literary world. Howard Faust, the American writer, is a world-famous left-wing man. In 1953 he published the “Sake and Van Zett’s Brutal Encounter - A New England Legends”, bringing the anarchist leaders Sarko, Van Zetta in the United States Unfair trial made public, praising the two victims of the personality and spirit.