
来源 :公安学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:playlogic
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快速反应机制、刑侦破案机制、安全防范机制、警务保障机制和执法机制的改革是浙江省公安厅确定的1997年的公安工作重点,因此,1997年被省厅定调为“机制改革年”。经过一年多的探索与实践,不少基层公安机关交出了令人满意的答卷。湖州市公安局南浔区分局在推进刑侦破案与安全防范两大机制改革(以下简称“两制”改革)中,紧密结合南浔的实际,发挥自身优势,大胆探索,锐意创新,走出了一条有自己特色的改革路子,便是一个比较典型的例子。为探讨和总结“两制”改革的成功做法和经验,推进公安工作机制改革的深入展开和公安事业的发展,目前,本刊编辑部组织人员专程前往南浔,对南浔区公安分局的“两制”改革情况进行了调查采访。 Rapid response mechanism, criminal investigation and case-solving mechanism, security precaution mechanism, police safeguard mechanism and law enforcement mechanism reform are the key public security tasks set by Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department in 1997. Therefore, in 1997, they were designated by the ministries and agencies as “the mechanism reform year ”. After more than a year of exploration and practice, many grass-roots public security organs have handed over satisfactory answers. Nanxun District Public Security Bureau of Huzhou City Branch in the promotion of criminal investigation and security precaution two reform (hereinafter referred to as “two systems ” reform), in close connection with the reality of Nanxun, to exert their own advantages, bold exploration, innovation, out of a There is a typical example of reform with its own characteristics. In order to discuss and summarize the successful practices and experiences in the reform of the “two systems” and promote the reform of the public security work system in depth and the development of public security, at present, the editorial staff of this magazine made a special trip to Nanxun and asked Nanbu District Public Security Bureau’s “Two systems” reform conducted a survey interview.
随着电信市场竞争的加剧和市场开放步伐的加快 ,集团用户因其业务消费量大而成为电信运营商们争夺的焦点。中国电信企业要在这场争夺战中取得优势 ,就必须建立与市场接轨的集
On January 20, 100,000-ton/year one-step lead smelting project of Hunan Jingui Silver Stock Ltd started construction. Jingui Silver has the leading silver deep
Three issues are discussed in this paper.First,innovation is the motive force of the development of information service industry.Second,what are the main innova
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个案: 她为何偷窃成瘾  叶佳出生后,经营建材超市的父母无暇照顾她,便将她送到乡下由奶奶抚养。  奶奶怜惜叶佳小小年纪便离开了父母,对叶佳百般疼爱,叶佳要什么给什么。但奶奶的疼爱,丝毫没有让叶佳感到温暖,她时常想家,想父母,她不明白,父母为何要将她扔给奶奶,是不是父母不喜欢她,不要她了?带着这些问题叶佳去问奶奶,奶奶的回答总是:“他们要赚钱,顾不上带你。”  转眼几年过去了,叶佳到了上小学的年龄,
为什么作文标题叫“题目”?答案是,作文标题正如人的眼睛,是重要的表达器官,也是与人交往中最先被人关注的地方,或犀利、或明媚、或忧郁、或机智、或幽默,眼神骗不了人,所以,善待你的作文标题吧,别让它近视、远视、弱视,更不能让它黯然无光。  标题有“暗分”  俗话说“题好一半文”,标题对作文的重要性不言而喻。我们先来看以下四组标题:  A.《麦迪逊县的桥》VS《廊桥遗梦》  B.《球——我的最爱》VS《