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诗歌本是一种很高的艺术产品,没有饱满的激情,没有高度的文学修养,没有广博的生活及对生活的深刻理解,是不可能创造出优秀的诗篇的。而优秀的诗篇,也必定具有深刻的内涵。诗歌创造本身就包括两个方面:一是创意,二是创辞。“意”是诗的灵魂,“辞”是展示深邃意境的有力手段。没有清新闪光的“辞”不能创出感人的意境;而失去意境,诗也就失去了生命!优秀的诗人,他们总是对语言千锤百炼,反复加工,正如杜甫所云,一字三年得,吟来泪双流,以达语不惊人死不休的境地。语之所以“惊人”,主要是因其意境深。如宋人张先《天仙子·送春》一词中“云破月来花弄影”中的“弄”字,就可称是惊人之笔。“弄”,就其本身并不深奥,它常被人们用来表示习惯性动作,可用它来描写花却是绝 Poetry is a very high artistic product. Without full enthusiasm, no high literary accomplishment, no extensive life and profound understanding of life, it is impossible to create excellent poems. The excellent poems must also have profound connotations. Poetry creation itself includes two aspects: one is creativity and the other is creation. “Italian” is the soul of poetry. “Diction” is a powerful means to show deep meaning. There is no refreshing “word” that can not create a touching artistic conception, but loses its artistic conception and poetry loses its life! Excellent poets, who are always versed in the language, and process it repeatedly, just like Du Fu’s cloud, a word of three years, Come to tears and flow, to Darwin is not surprisingly endless situation. The reason why the language is “shocking” is mainly due to its deep artistic conception. For example, the word “Luo” in the phrase “The Fairy Sending Spring” by Song Xian Zhang Xian can be said to be an amazing pen. “Get” is not esoteric in itself, it is often used by people to express habitual movements. It can be used to describe flowers but it is absolutely
高中课本代数上册P202复习参考题三第 20(1)题:证明tg20 °+tg40°+3~(1/3)20°tg40°=3~(1/3).这道习题证法灵活、多样,对培养学生灵活应用双基和发散思维能力很有禅益. High
萧老师 您好! 我夫人多次对我说起她大学刚毕业在长沙一所中学任教时,留挤时间、调整课表系统地听了你讲授的语文课,得益匪浅,一直到现在还保留着当时听课的深刻印象和整本
一、选择题1.0.1摩某元素单质直接跟氯气反应后,质量增加了7.1克,这种元素可能是( )(A)磷(B)铜(C)钾(D)铝2.A、B、C三种元素的原子序数均小于18,它们原子的最外层电子数分别
一、单选题(给出的四个选项中只有一个正确)1.设人造地球卫星和月球以圆形轨道绕地球做匀速圆周运动,卫星轨道半径为月球轨道半径的1/3,则此卫星绕地球运动的周期为[] First
1.That is the best way to prevent such a thing_again.A.happens B.to happen C.being happened D.hsppening2.The meeting we held_____for three hours.A.last B.Was la