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土地改革工作的基本关键,在于如何把广大农民群众发动起来,这就是农民翻身、农民当权的实质。如果农民真正组织起来了,觉悟提高了,地主想复辟也复不起来。离开这个基本关键,便是本末倒置。因此,我们对于各地土改工作之检查标准,不只看是否分了地,而是要看是否发动了群众。西北解放年余来,我们各方面工作最薄弱的一环,就是群众工作没有做好,过去人少事繁,犹可原谅,但从今天起,必须大改变,否则将会犯原则上的错误。我们部份同志中,对于发动群众的意义,并不是完全了解的,有认为不发动群众,也可以进行分地;有认为关中土地分散,可分地少,群众发动不起来。他们不懂得土地改革有两种工作方法:一种是群众路线的工作方法,另一种是包办代替的工作方法,前者是正确的,后者是错误的。的确,由少数干部包办代替,把群众当「阿斗」看,也可以进行分地,但所得结果,是吃力不讨好的。只有做深入的艰苦的群众工作,把广大农民群众发动起来组织起来,在他们自觉自愿自动的基础上,土地改革工作,才有可能做好。因而认为关中地区特殊,群众不易发动,或者用不着发动, The basic key to the work of land reform lies in how to mobilize the broad masses of peasants. This is the essence of peasants turning over and peasants being in power. If the peasants are really organized and their awareness is raised, the landowners can not be restored if they want to recover. To leave this basic point is to put the cart before the horse. Therefore, we should check whether the masses have been mobilized or not by checking whether the land-reform work has been conducted in different parts of the country. In the years since the liberation of Northwest China, the weakest part of our work in various aspects is that the mass work has not been done well. In the past, few things were complicated and excused. However, since today, great changes must be made or the principle mistake will be made . Some of our comrades do not fully understand the significance of mobilizing the masses. They think that they can not divide the ground if they think they will not mobilize the masses. They think that the land in the Guanzhong area is decentralized and there are fewer places for the masses to launch. They do not understand that there are two working methods of land reform: one is the working method of the mass line and the other is the replacement of the working methods. The former is correct and the latter is wrong. Indeed, the replacement by a handful of cadres can look upon the masses as “stupid.” They can also be subdivided. However, the results obtained are thankless. Only by doing in-depth and arduous work of the masses and mobilizing the broad masses of peasants to organize themselves, land reform can only be done on the basis of their voluntary, voluntary efforts. So that Guanzhong area special, the masses are not easy to launch, or do not need to start,
【中图分类号】G625 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)28-0185-01  提起学困生老师都比较头疼,因为学困生课堂反应慢,听课习惯不好,学习效率低下,不能按时完成作业。究其原因一方面是智力有差异,另一方面来于外界因素,要想促进学困生有效的学习,提高学困生学习效率,我认为应采取以下策略。  一、诊断学生学习困难的原因  同样坐在一间教室里听课,课堂上的表现却不同。有
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随着性病的日趋蔓延,幼儿淋病亦屡见报道,但幼儿淋病伴发咽、眼损害报道较少。我科近期遇到1例,现报告如下: 患儿,女,4岁,因小便痛,“流脓”7天,咽痛及双眼“出眵”睁眼困难3天,来院就诊。
《好酷的猫》  作者:诺尼·霍格罗金  内容简介:有一只猫,他的世界原本是贫瘠、棕色的,散落着旧可乐罐和破瓶子,但这一切都不是他想要的。几支画笔、一堆颜料和一大群朋友,再加上一点儿执着,他将原本灰暗的杂乱之地变成了充满生机的乐园。  推荐理由:这本有意思的无字书有点“神笔马良”的味道。看起来酷酷的黑猫,不抱怨、不生气、不绝望,一点一点改变自己的环境。图案也由最初的灰色调慢慢过渡到生机勃勃的彩色调,